Saturday, March 26, 2011

Remove Old Slate Sealer

work all year to change, among other things, a few weeks of free time. It is worth to take this time to live with the children thoroughly enjoy new experiences.

By Silvia Díez

said the writer and philosopher Michel de Montaigne a child who is not a bottle to be filled but a fire that must be switched . And while on and keep alive the flame of this fire is a long-term, vacation time is more conducive to ensure that the education given to children is not so based on the accumulation of knowledge and rules of conduct , but on love and pleasure that arouses your presence at our side.

often feel I'm too busy to cover their basic needs, to monitor and correct to my daughter, I really miss him Essential to have fun with it. This feeling is common in many parents today. However, sharing space with fun with children is one of the best legacies that we can offer. Who knows if these holidays just ended up becoming the most cherished memories of your childhood? It would be the greatest satisfaction for parents and children.



These shared spaces can be anywhere because they depend on our willingness and attitude. You can enjoy them at home playing cards or building a model, on the beach swimming and playing together soccer, in a theme park or while traveling more exotic. Not so much of what we do, but how you do and the quality of the connection we make with the children. The main objective of this leisure time by children should be to connect authentically with them, especially through the fun and discover how to grow and change from day to day. Today there are many parents who do not know what their children actually! says child psychologist Nieves Figueras.

The holidays are a time to play together and play together means to teach and convey that passion capacity and placed on life in informal spaces where the game is the engine of a shared curiosity, which is one way of joy. The game is the expression of feelings where there is a new way of relating to the purely set up by family ties. The game lets look at another with a different look and playing time to rescue this family strengthens relationships, opens us to self-discovery, to find our son, to improve communication and understanding and harmony step, accurate Forés Anna, Ph.D. in Philosophy and Education.


However, question "what do we play?" can trigger a strong vertigo, both children and adults. After spending so much time immersed in work or school, scheduled almost every minute, unsaturated bonds, may be difficult to fill this free time creatively. Therefore it is advisable to organize and bargain before the main activities that we will develop during the holidays according to the tastes and needs of all family members. This planning can save a lot of conflict and lays the foundation for coexistence. It also increases the motivation of all. Thus children learn to manage your time and plan activities based on their preferences, but without forgetting convenience and common consensus.


would be good that this organization of time set aside a regular time for homework and reading. If this is set from the outset, it is easier to get children to sit down at work without having to fight laziness or embroiled in negotiations. It also prevents the build up review tasks at the end of the holidays, with the problem that may involve.

must include time for housework and the mayor's office (making the bed, clearing the table, washing dishes ...), in which children should be involved to a greater or lesser degree depending on their age and circumstances. For this collaboration, albeit symbolic, will help you to understand that all family members have a responsibility in this matter and that the family is a team. You can even organize a day of cooking required to turn in a educational game that shows you how to cook and the value of feeding oneself. Passing a Velarde doing donuts or pizza can be as pleasant for them and do crafts.

involving and motivating

to agree on the various activities and get The kids involved in them, each family member can make a list of 5 proposals in order of preference. This list will be discussed to assess what is the next most popular activity, which can be compatible and finally develop a plan more or less closed.

course, everything depends on the age of the children, nor is it to impose strict schedules or develop a full schedule of activities. But if everything depends on the improvisation-which is also good to take a place in this plan, "runs the risk of spending the holidays in front of a screen, whether television viewing, computer or console.


Vacation time is a unique opportunity for children and adults to discover new places, meet different people and learn different things. We should not tire of proposing activities. And if you are reluctant to experiment, because children are the first to resist changes and developments, or sell any proposal needs , we must present the face of this you may find it more attractive. If you choose to go to Paris, wake up before the child's interest if you explain that we will take a boat to sail along the Seine River, which then go up the Eiffel Tower and a day Next we go to Disneyland, that if we talk about visiting the Louvre museum. They can propose to make a photo album of the trip, keep a journal, create a "fotolog" with photos of your holidays, collecting small souvenirs, invite them to seek information about the place ... Should also negotiate the time devoted to activities that most interest them and the more we crave to us proposes Nieves psychologist Figueras.

Through the pact, and the dialogue is kept alive their motivation and prevent conflicts and bad sides, because they feel that they have in mind and do not form part of "Luggage" . In the family must have authority but not authoritarianism. The family is the primary place to show respect for one another, and the greatest proof of love is unconditional respect for each of its members, setting expectations and allowing everyone to be like and not like it to be . It's good to admit the personal peculiarities and learn to live with an amalgam of different ways of seeing things. Respect is a subject that is often overlooked as a member of a family. Learn to respect and be respected, as knowing so respected, is a good base to live and grow as a person says Anna Forés.

This also means to feel listened to and followed when they tell us their stuff.


Do intimate moments can be promoted during the holidays?. Some experts stress the importance of food in a country setting with all the family (grandparents, uncles, cousins \u200b\u200b...). These meetings serve to compensate for the loneliness which brought about today's society both parents and children. Allow taking advantage of these situations where there is joy, sociability and sense of belonging, to share, teach and transmit values \u200b\u200bin a relaxed and convivial.

Surround yourself beautiful scenery helps. Nature has euphoric effects, allows large and small to relax, to forget the bustle of the city and have open spaces and full of life to move and play freely. Camping is another good option to stay longer in contact with the ground, but to sleep in a trailer, and to know new places and people from different countries. In these parents and children have the opportunity to network and organize with other families.

Playing sports with the children (biking, playing spades, skating, making up 21 basketball courts, a volleyball match ...) easily aroused laughter, combat physical inactivity and enables children to internalize rules and learn to work together.

Water is another element of magic that seldom fails to children. Clean beaches and rivers are unique in that sense but it is also possible to choose hotels with swimming pool, a play area especially perfect to Linal a day's journey. Play with them in the water is a great choice when they're away ... and visit a water park.

Cottages craft workshops for children and adults, theme parks to share strong emotions, a boat trip along a river or canal ... Today's offers so many possibilities and one is lost and should finally decide remembering that the only question is resolved, assuming the risk of betting on an option.


In any case it will always be fundamental attitude. The suspicious for a great vacation with children going to master the art of combining a balanced activity and rest, intimacy and social relationships, shared spaces and spaces for solitude. It is not about to fight the boredom and tedium: with them we discover a new way enjoy and spontaneously develop those activities for which one naturally feels predilection, such as painting, writing, cooking, swimming ... The family leisure time is also an opportunity to discover the skills of children who are what determine your personality and give clues to understand their driving. Ideally at the end of the holidays all family members could be proud of belonging to the same computer.

A good end to celebrate this feeling would gather together on a wall all that we shared during the holidays (activities, laughter, distances, stories ...) and comment that has been good, what has been missing and what should be changed to face next year.

and downs can help to keep in mind a survey of eighty thousand people to be asked what he most regretted not having done throughout his life. Spend more time with people who have loved , was the most frequent response.


A good model. During the holidays the children learn how their parents addressed and managed leisure time. If we fun, they also know.

With the five senses. can spend time with children without actually being with them. Contact with children through the five senses to gain insight, experience and discover things together

Climate privacy. Share with them this space of free time contributes to stable family ties and enables new forms of communication. During the holiday times easier to talk about what parents and children do not often comment.

All ages have something good, even adolescents, Thanks to its radicalism can defend ideals and remind us how we were.


Tranquility. Children need to feel safe. So the first setpoint to any setback is to reduce the voltage to the maximum. Sense of humor is a great ally to put some more distance and downplay the situation.

If the activity is more boring than expected, should be concluded before them each point to maintain a positive and participative attitude without prior prejudices.

fatigue and hunger greatly affect the mood of children and should address these needs as soon as possible to avoid greater evils. Therefore, should be flexible to change plans with ease and find a creative solution.

have any setbacks or problems with them, we need to focus on the present: it is useless to ask what should have been done. The question is: What now? . No relationship is truly free from conflict.

not lock To help keep in mind that the problems with children are an opportunity to learn from ourselves and them. Setbacks are, therefore, an opportunity to exercise the ability to respond.

If discussed with children, it is better to talk about them as soon as possible and not let the occasional conflict may be long in silence. If necessary, we must impose a penalty but then forget and do not berate the rest of the holiday misconduct.

should bring water, snacks, games, stories, toys and maybe a console to address wait times and travel by plane, train, etc.

Many lived on holiday mishaps eventually become a great story and who knows, precisely because they can live experiences.


Ignasi Bofarull

Pilar Alonso Alberto Gil
Ed Everest



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