MEAT CAN BE AN ENEMY IS A WARM "Fresh, fresh sir. I've told him to sell me fresh meat" , is the clamor of housewives who purchase food for your family. However, there is fresh meat.
In a survey conducted in Guayaquil last year by the Agrarian University of Ecuador, it was established that consumers demand that the meat is fresh because "is healthier" . But they could hardly explain what they meant by "fresh meat" .
Although eating organic tissue from dead animals is an attitude typical of human beings from the most antiquity, few are aware of what it means and fewer still know that the man is the only higher primates that makes the meat staple of their diet.
vegetarians and carnivores
Many human groups integrated philosophical sects or religious brotherhoods, do not eat meat considered toxic and therefore harmful to the body. They are confident they can survive normally without it. But are a minority with 90% of humanity does.
In the light of modern knowledge of nutrition, provides that the Man must eat food complex is composed of substances vital to the inner cell function, as the body, unable to synthesize them, the need to obtain the external environment. Basically, these are complex foods of animal origin, including meat.
Despite being the man the most powerful of creation, has a poor nutritional-food operation compared with other animals, as in the evolutionary process has lost the capability to internally develop certain elements which are necessary to keep it alive and healthy. This is the case of essential amino acids, which are obtained in sufficient quantity in the meat, but only when it has "aged" efficiently.
When a slaughtered animal is still healthy and taking care of hygiene of slaughter-slaughter process in your muscles causes a phenomenon called sequential "maturation" or "aging" that, under normal conditions, at room temperature, takes about 20 hours.
Maturation is the basic work of the enzymes in the muscle tissue and other organic substances "soften" large protein molecules meat, which are composed of many amino acids linked together in long chains, that is only one initial break these chains in the links that join the amino acids with others. Since the human digestive juices are not capable of breaking down proteins in meat mature, aging is necessary.
Desdel the standpoint of the technologist butcher, there is a big difference between muscle and meat. In the first has not been given all the ripening process, while it is over. Nutritionally, the muscle can only assimilate a small percentage of amino acids, while the meat is treated most.
The product must therefore be properly age to qualify it as meat. Otherwise, it is just muscle. Unfortunately, in the maturation shoddy food originates with a period of very short life and which affect early spoilage changes that may affect the health of consumers. In the flesh, as in humans, is mature age, but unlike the latter, the meat becomes succulent, nutritious, tasty.
maturation is important not to confuse with decomposition. If meat begins when the animal dies, she dies turn when it breaks. As a composite of important nutrients intensely attracted a huge mass of microorganisms or microbes to multiply and carry out biological functions that are specific, break it down, giving rise to toxic and even repugnant. Advantageously our senses of smell and taste, in a special way, we can easily differentiate the product matures dead meat.
Meat, therefore, is not necessarily an enemy. On the contrary, is one of the most important supports of life. But let us not ask us to sell it fresh.
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