Gazetteer Historical Statistics 1845 - 1850
Gazetteer Historical Statistics 1845 - 1850
Place to City Hall in the province, revenue administration, judicial and diocese of Teruel (2 miles), Regional Court and captain general of Zaragoza (24 miles). Located on a plain foot of two hills the graduates of the Sierra del Povo. The climate is healthy and cold, either by lifting or by wind be fought strongly N. It has 99 households, mostly in poor condition and distributed in two districts called high and low, primary education school attended by about forty students and equipped with 540 real annual parish church (St. Peter the Apostle). Retains some vestiges of Moorish fortifications especially in the ravine called La Hoz, where he lived in a cave the famous D. Francis Alba by the year 1770, the author of the book. "The Naked Truth," whose publication was persecuted by the royal order. There are 2 chapels in the village called Our Lady of Loreto Castillo: outside there are two, one of San Cristobal, located to the south at an elevation, and the other from Santa Barbara on the other NE, adjacent to the same people There are two sources who use the neighbors, whose waters are healthy, and serve after a Fuertecillo and watering lawns. The term bounded N. with Peralejos (2 miles) E Escriche (1), S. with Valdecebro (2 miles). I with Torti (1). FIELD is regularly fertile plain part dedicated to the cultivation of cereals and part hilly, planted pines, oaks, junipers, and grasses, and bathes him in part crosses a stream, and found in him a house and a flour mill. ROADS are local: MAIL is received from Teruel baligero. PRODUCE: wheat, barley, oats, beans and potatoes, sheep and cattle breeding, hunting partridges, rabbits and hares. POPULATION: 39 neighbors and 156 souls. CAPITAL TAX: 38, 844 reais. MUNICIPAL BUDGET amounts to 3.000 reale fleece and covered with 500 actual own, and the remainder for local distribution.
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