Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rash Afterrrrrrrr Leg Waxing


Yaqui is my 1 st goal of this project, I was easy and fast spite that I have almost no time during the week, but I enjoyed every stitch and now to prepare the 2, and I say prepare, because I gsuta copy the graphics for myself and so I'm doing with the colors and elected for everything apart reminds me of when I was young and had not previously printers or technological stuff now, and my mother embroidered and touched my Atrea ami passing the graphs on graph paper, and so we spent the whole afternoon hehe as I enjoyed it and well now I play my embroidery and so I do it as a kid lol, good people will see later on Sunday now to enjoy this great, with bright sunshine and not so cold for so aprovecahare in salirr kisses to todasss we


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