Saturday, March 26, 2011

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is Jesus Christ on the cross and starts calling Peter shouting:

- Pedro, Pedro!

And Peter hits the race where Jesus, as he ran, the Romans began to shoot arrows, Peter, wounded, keep running while Jesus is calling.

- Pedro, Pedro!

finally comes crawling dying and says:

- Dime Maestro ...!!!

- Watch Pedro, from here you see your home.

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pepito at age 9 to appear in court accused of raping a girl of 18 years. In full hearing, the judge asks the lawyer:

- What can be said for his client, Doctor?

The lawyer drops his pants to Pepito, grabs her pee and it shows the judge:

- Watch the tamañito q is, sir, how can they accuse to this child of such a crime? Look at it! Do you think with a little something so small can rape a woman?

And murmuring pepito's lawyer says:

- Advocate!, I did not follow that we lose the trial rubbing!

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The husband returned from mass, enters the house running and goes to the wife.

With a big smile to hug her up tenderly in his arms and dance with her in the air around all the furniture in the house.

- But what the Father said in the sermon, I asked her husband, "said the couple had to be more affectionate with their wives?

- No - replied the husband -

- Father said we had to carry our sorrows with joy and jubilation.

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Three retired old men to talk about how they sleep:

The 1st says
- I do crossword puzzles. until I get tired and fall asleep.

The 2nd says:
- I see novels until I get tired and then I fall asleep.

The 3rd says:
- I masturbate ...

And asked about the other two old amazed:

- what are you for?

- No, but I get tired and fall asleep ...

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heel with clay in nature, taking a bath at home, go to a spa ... any benefit option is valid for clay, effective against skin conditions, digestive and musculoskeletal.

By Josep Lluís Berdonces
(doctor hydrologist at the University of Montpellier)

Clay was one of the first remedies of history, rarely used today but to everyone. Fácilmenie is achieved, is available all year, is useful for making pottery and has amazing properties.

As do many animals, it is possible that human beings have used the clay since the dawn of humanity. In nature it is not unusual to see wild animals on land or wallow in mud to strengthen and cleanse the skin of eczema, corns, or parasites.

But clay is not ground, but a part of this sand devoid of organic elements and finely micronized form which has a high plasticity. Can be defined as particles smaller than two microns in diameter composed primarily of silicates of calcium, magnesium and aluminum. Even so, the composition of the clays, within these main components, varies greatly depending on the terrain where they are collected and then that can be found even in different colors.


clays are characterized by a laminar structure with high specific surface and an electrical charge. Both qualities give them all a great capacity to absorb water and to fix and exchange ions, among other properties. Furthermore, its specific composition to some clays can be credited with some possessions, especially when consumed by internal means. The properties common to all clays, due to their physical characteristics are:

Absorption. Absorption is the ability of many elements to absorb liquids. The water retention capacity of clays easily five times its dry weight, however, this depends on the fluidity or consistency you want then you have less water and clay modeling clay texture of thick chocolate or " milks " clay. By absorbing liquid clays also absorb all the substances that are dissolved in them. Thus, when applied externally absorb body fluids of the skin and many of its fat, which generally have a drying action. From there to advise caution in people with dry skin.

adsorption. The same process occurs when the clay comes into contact with the liquid gas is also true. Clay is a great adsorbent, and this is one reason why clay domestic consumption generally reduces digestive gases and is considered purifying. On the skin also acts as an adsorbent, but in this case there is a lot of gases that absorb, except their own perspiration, for which it has a deodorant effect, although a passenger, is interesting.

heat retention capacity. is one of the most interesting properties of clay because it is a poor conductor of heat. When heated, unlike water, which cools quickly, retains heat for a long time. This low conductivity can also make applications more hot clay that could withstand water. When clay is applied to the skin, initially gives a feeling of intense heat but very bearable, since it forms a surface layer in contact with the skin which reduces its temperature relative to the core or center of the application. The clay is thicker at higher temperatures can be applied, while the most liquid applications can burn more if applied hot. This is especially heat capacity useful processes and rheumatic pain.

Transmineralización. is much discussion whether the clay can induce a process transmineralización (passage of minerals through the skin) or not. In general, the throughput of minerals through the skin barrier is often limited, so do not give a large amount of nutrients to the skin. However, the high content of silicate clay is interesting. Despite its low solubility, silicon can help regenerate the collagen in the skin, so even a little, helps improve skin smoothness and reduce sagging.

Nutrition. can not specifically talk about nutrition when it comes to internal healing clay. In fact, usually clay or is not directly feeds an anti-nutrient because it reduces the absorption of some dietary principles. The most soluble of the clay, and magnesium salts, they are absorbed with relative ease, and may minimize the astringent effect exerted by the clay. It can also contribute to the provision of a greater amount of trace elements, but due to the high variability of the minor constituents of clays is difficult to recommend in this regard.



external Healing Clay is the most common and known, and can be done in many ways. What follows is just a selection of the most important

Poultice heat. Clay poultices are prepared by kneading the clay with very hot water until it becomes malleable consistency and does not stain too. Then the clay is spread over a canvas, for example, cotton, and deposited a layer of a thickness of about 1 to 2 centimeters (a thicker, more heat retention capacity). On the outer layer is applied a plastic that will prevent dissipation heat and external staining clothes. This poultice is applied to the chosen area or joint, preferably at bedtime, and leave it between 40 and 90 minutes, in any case to dissipate heat.

Applications can be made until two or three times a week. Especially recommended in painful rheumatism of the joints, but also very useful in other painful conditions, such as menstruation, and cleansing therapies generic abdomen.

masks and brushes. When the clay is diluted with water to a consistency of chocolate thick, or less, you can make brush on the skin and enjoy its regenerative effect, detoxifying and cleaning. Such applications, however, does not retain heat as it uses very little clay and water.

These preparations clay application to the skin can be prepared with infusions of plants rather than water, such as chamomile, orange blossom water, cucumber juice ... You can even add some oil as rosehip and carrot, which will help improve the sensitivity of the skin.

In any case, remember that after such application on the skin should be removed any excess clay, for example fresh water, then apply a moisturizer.

brushstrokes of clay can be left on the skin for a variable time. In general the first application is recommended short, about ten minutes, which serves as a test to evaluate how the skin responds.

When you apply the clay on the face must take special care because it can dry out excessively. In any case, it must wait for the clay to dry completely before removing. Such applications are usually performed by a maximum recommended once or twice a week.

clay bath water. For the most sensitive skins can be useful clay water bath. It takes about 100 grams of clay into a bathtub full of hot water. Previously allowed to stand for about fifteen minutes apart in a saucepan or a bowl immersed in hot water, thus dilute the clay better when cast in the bathtub.

The clay-water bath can be maintained for 45 minutes. Is especially useful in processes of the skin moist dermatitis, in which the application of thicker clay could have an irritating effect.


clay water for domestic cure is prepared by steeping a teaspoon full of clay dessert (sometimes two) in mineral water and letting it work overnight to take in the morning.

At the beginning of the cure, it is advisable to take the overlying water and sediment leaving the clay (especially if you have a delicate digestive system), to gradually go eating the entire product, water and removing clay before eating. Take preferably on an empty stomach, half hour to an hour before any meal, and making the subsequent breakfast very poor fat.

internal cure usually arises during a period not exceeding 20 days, maybe two weeks, and can be repeated several times every three or six months. It has very few contraindications, and most importantly, do not feel good to the stomach, which at these doses and times is rather rare.

The Healing Power of peloids

A peloid (hairs in Greek means "mud" ) is a mixture of organic matter (humus) and non-organic (mineral) that can be used for therapeutic. Clay is a peloid, although not all are clay peloids, many do not contain clay.

The most interesting from the medical point of view are extracted from the sludge beds of lakes, lagoons or the sea.

Others however, are made by fermenting a sludge plant matter or sludge (often with grass or hay ease in pools with mud for months), or marketed in containers with paraffin, which gives greater plasticity. These peloids, though not common at home because they are harder to find and implement, and are commonly used in spas.


. May be of this color because it contains kaolin and to a lesser extent, feldspar. Are generically called kaolinite and are of great plasticity ( technically are "fat clay" , but without added fat), very suitable for internal processing as diluted form the "milk of clay" . Are highly valued in cosmetics for its rich powders (kaolin), which gives it a special delicacy and smoothness. Also in pottery, for making porcelain.

Verdes. also greatly appreciated. One of the best is the bentonite (or montmorillonite), which actually is not green, but gray. Illite also "green clay" , is rich in calcium, plastic and sticks firmly to the skin

Rojas. They are of lower quality than the previous ones but are more frequent and its color is usually due to the presence of iron minerals (oxides and hydroxides usually).

PRECAUTIONS Observe these precautions can benefit from the clay without risk.

interactions. Due to its absorption capacity, the clay can interfere absorption of drugs, so that through internal consumption shall take place one hour before or after taking any medication. Via the external clay reduces the effectiveness of many creams.

Fasting. The clay must be consumed on an empty stomach, without food, because the fat is mixed with literally a "brick" , hardening, reducing its absorption and adsorption capacity, and causing more bowel disorders.

dose. The clay must be consumed in low doses. High doses can cause constipation and alter the absorption nutrients. One or two teaspoons a day for specific periods of time is an appropriate dose.

Drink plenty of fluids. During internal healing clay, has to drink plenty of fluids to prevent clumping.

difficult to treat dermatitis. Many rash does not respond well to external healing clay. If after a couple of applications shows that no improvement or worsening, it is best to try another therapy.

Hydrate. For externally, the clay can dry the skin noticeably after should be applying a moisturizing milk or oil.


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work all year to change, among other things, a few weeks of free time. It is worth to take this time to live with the children thoroughly enjoy new experiences.

By Silvia Díez

said the writer and philosopher Michel de Montaigne a child who is not a bottle to be filled but a fire that must be switched . And while on and keep alive the flame of this fire is a long-term, vacation time is more conducive to ensure that the education given to children is not so based on the accumulation of knowledge and rules of conduct , but on love and pleasure that arouses your presence at our side.

often feel I'm too busy to cover their basic needs, to monitor and correct to my daughter, I really miss him Essential to have fun with it. This feeling is common in many parents today. However, sharing space with fun with children is one of the best legacies that we can offer. Who knows if these holidays just ended up becoming the most cherished memories of your childhood? It would be the greatest satisfaction for parents and children.



These shared spaces can be anywhere because they depend on our willingness and attitude. You can enjoy them at home playing cards or building a model, on the beach swimming and playing together soccer, in a theme park or while traveling more exotic. Not so much of what we do, but how you do and the quality of the connection we make with the children. The main objective of this leisure time by children should be to connect authentically with them, especially through the fun and discover how to grow and change from day to day. Today there are many parents who do not know what their children actually! says child psychologist Nieves Figueras.

The holidays are a time to play together and play together means to teach and convey that passion capacity and placed on life in informal spaces where the game is the engine of a shared curiosity, which is one way of joy. The game is the expression of feelings where there is a new way of relating to the purely set up by family ties. The game lets look at another with a different look and playing time to rescue this family strengthens relationships, opens us to self-discovery, to find our son, to improve communication and understanding and harmony step, accurate Forés Anna, Ph.D. in Philosophy and Education.


However, question "what do we play?" can trigger a strong vertigo, both children and adults. After spending so much time immersed in work or school, scheduled almost every minute, unsaturated bonds, may be difficult to fill this free time creatively. Therefore it is advisable to organize and bargain before the main activities that we will develop during the holidays according to the tastes and needs of all family members. This planning can save a lot of conflict and lays the foundation for coexistence. It also increases the motivation of all. Thus children learn to manage your time and plan activities based on their preferences, but without forgetting convenience and common consensus.


would be good that this organization of time set aside a regular time for homework and reading. If this is set from the outset, it is easier to get children to sit down at work without having to fight laziness or embroiled in negotiations. It also prevents the build up review tasks at the end of the holidays, with the problem that may involve.

must include time for housework and the mayor's office (making the bed, clearing the table, washing dishes ...), in which children should be involved to a greater or lesser degree depending on their age and circumstances. For this collaboration, albeit symbolic, will help you to understand that all family members have a responsibility in this matter and that the family is a team. You can even organize a day of cooking required to turn in a educational game that shows you how to cook and the value of feeding oneself. Passing a Velarde doing donuts or pizza can be as pleasant for them and do crafts.

involving and motivating

to agree on the various activities and get The kids involved in them, each family member can make a list of 5 proposals in order of preference. This list will be discussed to assess what is the next most popular activity, which can be compatible and finally develop a plan more or less closed.

course, everything depends on the age of the children, nor is it to impose strict schedules or develop a full schedule of activities. But if everything depends on the improvisation-which is also good to take a place in this plan, "runs the risk of spending the holidays in front of a screen, whether television viewing, computer or console.


Vacation time is a unique opportunity for children and adults to discover new places, meet different people and learn different things. We should not tire of proposing activities. And if you are reluctant to experiment, because children are the first to resist changes and developments, or sell any proposal needs , we must present the face of this you may find it more attractive. If you choose to go to Paris, wake up before the child's interest if you explain that we will take a boat to sail along the Seine River, which then go up the Eiffel Tower and a day Next we go to Disneyland, that if we talk about visiting the Louvre museum. They can propose to make a photo album of the trip, keep a journal, create a "fotolog" with photos of your holidays, collecting small souvenirs, invite them to seek information about the place ... Should also negotiate the time devoted to activities that most interest them and the more we crave to us proposes Nieves psychologist Figueras.

Through the pact, and the dialogue is kept alive their motivation and prevent conflicts and bad sides, because they feel that they have in mind and do not form part of "Luggage" . In the family must have authority but not authoritarianism. The family is the primary place to show respect for one another, and the greatest proof of love is unconditional respect for each of its members, setting expectations and allowing everyone to be like and not like it to be . It's good to admit the personal peculiarities and learn to live with an amalgam of different ways of seeing things. Respect is a subject that is often overlooked as a member of a family. Learn to respect and be respected, as knowing so respected, is a good base to live and grow as a person says Anna Forés.

This also means to feel listened to and followed when they tell us their stuff.


Do intimate moments can be promoted during the holidays?. Some experts stress the importance of food in a country setting with all the family (grandparents, uncles, cousins \u200b\u200b...). These meetings serve to compensate for the loneliness which brought about today's society both parents and children. Allow taking advantage of these situations where there is joy, sociability and sense of belonging, to share, teach and transmit values \u200b\u200bin a relaxed and convivial.

Surround yourself beautiful scenery helps. Nature has euphoric effects, allows large and small to relax, to forget the bustle of the city and have open spaces and full of life to move and play freely. Camping is another good option to stay longer in contact with the ground, but to sleep in a trailer, and to know new places and people from different countries. In these parents and children have the opportunity to network and organize with other families.

Playing sports with the children (biking, playing spades, skating, making up 21 basketball courts, a volleyball match ...) easily aroused laughter, combat physical inactivity and enables children to internalize rules and learn to work together.

Water is another element of magic that seldom fails to children. Clean beaches and rivers are unique in that sense but it is also possible to choose hotels with swimming pool, a play area especially perfect to Linal a day's journey. Play with them in the water is a great choice when they're away ... and visit a water park.

Cottages craft workshops for children and adults, theme parks to share strong emotions, a boat trip along a river or canal ... Today's offers so many possibilities and one is lost and should finally decide remembering that the only question is resolved, assuming the risk of betting on an option.


In any case it will always be fundamental attitude. The suspicious for a great vacation with children going to master the art of combining a balanced activity and rest, intimacy and social relationships, shared spaces and spaces for solitude. It is not about to fight the boredom and tedium: with them we discover a new way enjoy and spontaneously develop those activities for which one naturally feels predilection, such as painting, writing, cooking, swimming ... The family leisure time is also an opportunity to discover the skills of children who are what determine your personality and give clues to understand their driving. Ideally at the end of the holidays all family members could be proud of belonging to the same computer.

A good end to celebrate this feeling would gather together on a wall all that we shared during the holidays (activities, laughter, distances, stories ...) and comment that has been good, what has been missing and what should be changed to face next year.

and downs can help to keep in mind a survey of eighty thousand people to be asked what he most regretted not having done throughout his life. Spend more time with people who have loved , was the most frequent response.


A good model. During the holidays the children learn how their parents addressed and managed leisure time. If we fun, they also know.

With the five senses. can spend time with children without actually being with them. Contact with children through the five senses to gain insight, experience and discover things together

Climate privacy. Share with them this space of free time contributes to stable family ties and enables new forms of communication. During the holiday times easier to talk about what parents and children do not often comment.

All ages have something good, even adolescents, Thanks to its radicalism can defend ideals and remind us how we were.


Tranquility. Children need to feel safe. So the first setpoint to any setback is to reduce the voltage to the maximum. Sense of humor is a great ally to put some more distance and downplay the situation.

If the activity is more boring than expected, should be concluded before them each point to maintain a positive and participative attitude without prior prejudices.

fatigue and hunger greatly affect the mood of children and should address these needs as soon as possible to avoid greater evils. Therefore, should be flexible to change plans with ease and find a creative solution.

have any setbacks or problems with them, we need to focus on the present: it is useless to ask what should have been done. The question is: What now? . No relationship is truly free from conflict.

not lock To help keep in mind that the problems with children are an opportunity to learn from ourselves and them. Setbacks are, therefore, an opportunity to exercise the ability to respond.

If discussed with children, it is better to talk about them as soon as possible and not let the occasional conflict may be long in silence. If necessary, we must impose a penalty but then forget and do not berate the rest of the holiday misconduct.

should bring water, snacks, games, stories, toys and maybe a console to address wait times and travel by plane, train, etc.

Many lived on holiday mishaps eventually become a great story and who knows, precisely because they can live experiences.


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"Fresh, fresh sir. I've told him to sell me fresh meat" , is the clamor of housewives who purchase food for your family. However, there is fresh meat.

In a survey conducted in Guayaquil last year by the Agrarian University of Ecuador, it was established that consumers demand that the meat is fresh because "is healthier" . But they could hardly explain what they meant by "fresh meat" .

Although eating organic tissue from dead animals is an attitude typical of human beings from the most antiquity, few are aware of what it means and fewer still know that the man is the only higher primates that makes the meat staple of their diet.

vegetarians and carnivores

Many human groups integrated philosophical sects or religious brotherhoods, do not eat meat considered toxic and therefore harmful to the body. They are confident they can survive normally without it. But are a minority with 90% of humanity does.

In the light of modern knowledge of nutrition, provides that the Man must eat food complex is composed of substances vital to the inner cell function, as the body, unable to synthesize them, the need to obtain the external environment. Basically, these are complex foods of animal origin, including meat.

Despite being the man the most powerful of creation, has a poor nutritional-food operation compared with other animals, as in the evolutionary process has lost the capability to internally develop certain elements which are necessary to keep it alive and healthy. This is the case of essential amino acids, which are obtained in sufficient quantity in the meat, but only when it has "aged" efficiently.


When a slaughtered animal is still healthy and taking care of hygiene of slaughter-slaughter process in your muscles causes a phenomenon called sequential "maturation" or "aging" that, under normal conditions, at room temperature, takes about 20 hours.

Maturation is the basic work of the enzymes in the muscle tissue and other organic substances "soften" large protein molecules meat, which are composed of many amino acids linked together in long chains, that is only one initial break these chains in the links that join the amino acids with others. Since the human digestive juices are not capable of breaking down proteins in meat mature, aging is necessary.

Desdel the standpoint of the technologist butcher, there is a big difference between muscle and meat. In the first has not been given all the ripening process, while it is over. Nutritionally, the muscle can only assimilate a small percentage of amino acids, while the meat is treated most.

The product must therefore be properly age to qualify it as meat. Otherwise, it is just muscle. Unfortunately, in the maturation shoddy food originates with a period of very short life and which affect early spoilage changes that may affect the health of consumers. In the flesh, as in humans, is mature age, but unlike the latter, the meat becomes succulent, nutritious, tasty.


maturation is important not to confuse with decomposition. If meat begins when the animal dies, she dies turn when it breaks. As a composite of important nutrients intensely attracted a huge mass of microorganisms or microbes to multiply and carry out biological functions that are specific, break it down, giving rise to toxic and even repugnant. Advantageously our senses of smell and taste, in a special way, we can easily differentiate the product matures dead meat.

Meat, therefore, is not necessarily an enemy. On the contrary, is one of the most important supports of life. But let us not ask us to sell it fresh.

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In a magical moment my terror became joy.

By Ralph Kinney Bennett

Some days I feel that life changes dramatically, days that we remember forever. So I had a July afternoon at a place called Devil's Hole .

timeless occurred at that time before the first school imposes real limits to life. The time was summer sky bluer, the sun smiled sycamores and warm Days passed sleepily, accented by velvety night the fireflies flashing passing outside my window.

That morning, my twin brother, Roger, and I had all day to go.

"Let the Devil's Hole proposed Rogers.

I accepted immediately, but despite my enthusiasm, I felt a knot in my stomach. Although he had never said a word about it nor had mocked me, Roger and I could swim. Earlier this summer it had emerged decisively from the outstretched hands of our brother, Richard, and had driven through the water. I had been too afraid or embarrassed to try. Now Roger slipped into the water like a fish and moved in a different plane ... the boys' older, more experienced and confident.

ahead with Roger, walked to the kitchen.

"Grandma, can we go to Devil's Hole?

The grandmother, who was preparing dough for baking cakes with spices, was standing in front of his desk.

"Well, I guess the older boys are already there, but beware a lot," said with a flourish of his wooden spoon.

a cry, Roger crossed the kitchen like a shot and went upstairs. I kept running to put on my bathing suit. With towels around their necks, we walked by the dirt road.

If at that time I had been asked to define the fun and freedom, would have resorted to the image of a child swimming without fear. Was both a pleasure and a danger.

The danger was not something insignificant. My brush with the mystery of death had been brief, but intense. Run over a dog in the neighborhood, lying on the ground showing his teeth, one eye fixed on the sky. Also, sometimes My mother pointed to the black headlines of the newspaper and explained that terrible thing called "drown" , and that he had happened to someone who swam in a nearby river.

Roger and I got to a place where sunlight streamed through an opening in the trees, and a gentle slope of pebbles and earth leading to a deep mossy green pond of icy water, which reflected two huge rocks jutting out from the opposite bank.

This dam was my domain and my protection. While others swam, I pretended to make minor repairs or catching minnows with his base with an old tin.

When we arrived, I watched with envy at Roger go with older children. Dived, full speed crossing the pond and climbing the big rocks to lie in the sun. Among them was Nancy Storer, sitting on the nearest rock with a bathing suit in one piece. Occasionally served as a nanny with us, and I adored her. The boys began to hit the water from the rock bottom, their shouts and laughter echoed through the trees.

without ruido.Tras I got the first shock of cold water, feet carefully planted on the smooth stones and slippery bottom. Using the dam as a handrail, I made my way to the center.

From there, about a meter waded upstream. The scene stuck in my memory: the boys jumped, dived and played in the middle of small arcs of water displaced.

I sank almost to his chest. Arms stretched forward and clasp your hands firmly. Shivering. I stopped to walk.

During this second of eternity I plunged into a strange new world. I saw before my eyes a delirious kaleidoscope of liquid light and darkness, I felt my chest would explode and I invaded the deepest terror. High above me I saw the leaves of sun-dappled trees, and heard voices. Then I sank back into a shower of bubbles and heard a roar.

Kicking, moved his arms frantically, I took the side of the water and took a deep breath.

was moving! In a magical moment, my fear turned into joy. I was swimming.

I went to the green depths were in the middle of Devil's Hole, to those rocks out of reach. Roger looked at me stunned from the most large.

But I had eyes on Nancy. A half smile lit his freckled face as he watched my frantic progress.

I touched the rock on which she sat. I grabbed her, moving his legs in the water, pulling big gulps of air and feeling triumphant.

"Hello," she said, almost laughing at the words.

I felt completely exhausted for a moment, but he would not leave the water. Feared forget how to do what he had done. I walked away from the rock and splash around in circles, then I turned to sustain. Incredible!

was in heaven. I crossed the river to the shore along the road, I touched the bottom with their feet and went to swim toward the center.

The sun played hide and seek in the treetops when I said goodbye to Nancy and the other guys. I seemed to be much bigger and higher. Roger and I took the dirt road toward our house. He sensed the heat of the sun on damp hair, and smelled the wonderful aroma of Devil's Hole.

already close to home, Roger said:

-It quite easy to swim, right?
"Yes," replied the immense praise that just make my twin.

I was jumping the rest of the road. The grandmother began to prepare dinner. Mom still had not returned from work.

- Grandma, I swam today! I exclaimed.

I looked from the stove with a look of alarm.

- How? Have you jumped into the water one of these ruffians?
"No, Grandma. I just decided ... and I did.

I walked alone in the garden, reliving every moment he spent in the water that day.

By nightfall, more tired than I had realized, I said my prayers with Mom and Roger, and got under the covers. Lying in the darkness, I began to hear the sounds of summer: the murmur of the stream, the chirping of cicadas and the croaking of frogs.

did not understand it then, but I had learned something very important: the dark called fear barrier can be high and imposing, but it is often very thin. Appears again and again throughout of life. Sometimes just touching it to break, in others you have to push with the shoulder like a fireman who would knock down a door. And in others, our desire itself makes it fall.

I weighed the eyes. I figured it gently through fresh water, swimming like an expert, silently, gracefully, not only in the Devil's Hole, but also in large rivers, the mighty ocean.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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present, which seems to be a fragment of a "milestone left" with a Roman inscriptions incised. Confirm the passage of the Via Romana Cesaraugusta-Laminium by Encinacorba. The Pierz archeological site owned by Henry Lázaro Gómez and will soon be studied at the Museum of Zaragoza. The interesting thing would be that this precious document remain at the villa. The piece was found near the Puerto del Alto de San Martín.
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Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Hi girls here show a new way to draw is in the house of teniene time until March 31 and note and I hope they deceo
luck and here's a pic of 2 thing I've done this week, one is in deocupag andthe other a picture frame in cardboard and cloth the truth is that I like and I'm thinking of making several of these for garnish the room, hope you like, contact estaremo and kisses to all
trays is made of glass, I love not a lot to making these crackle with glue and acrylic paint before I used to decorate bottles for shapes, in my family about those bottles when I learned to do it lol I love and I began to make and do and when I realized I had a lots then decided that each meets someone would have wanted a for each house
and this picture frame to copy a blog that had several done, I really did not ever like cloth and cardboard is that it caught my attention but the result is good that you think? ay the model pictured is the princess of the house my Yoselyn

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Play Pokemon Platimin Online'


Hi girls I'm back this time is to show the portrait he did meli at school, I found presioso it is your 1 st working in pencil and copy of a photo, even she stayed icy as he came out, says it has flaws, but for me this beautiful hope that is dedicated, that actually has power to the pencil jajajajaj well now I'll let them visit their houses in another appetizer we todasss

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Can I Take Lunesta And Ativan At Bedtime


the idea Stoa saqyue chary's blog, I love to see him on his blog she put her step by step is really easy, so qyue I set to work to decorate handkerchiefs that are not in their peoples, so are best, I loved what I did in mid-afternoon lightning fast but that's what Like me, I'm anxious to see everything there termninado jejej swim, well let the other girls the time and come back with more news that I am finishing kisses to all and thanks for the visits

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bigfoot In Monster Jam

Papers 002/2011 Almendros and tools

Almendros in winter.
Agricultural implements the river-stream Frasno.
remoulded almond trees.

Can You Eat Ice Cream With An Upset Stomach

Cuadenos 002 / 2011. February. Several

The castle and church of Our Lady of the Sea
Post in Esconjuradero communications.
Frasno For the river stream in February, does not lower the water. Someone has placed the trash in the middle of the channel.
Esconjuradero Hermitage.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Canadain Trailer Plates

002/2011 Notebooks Notebooks
