Saturday, March 26, 2011

How To Become Referee In Nj

is Jesus Christ on the cross and starts calling Peter shouting:

- Pedro, Pedro!

And Peter hits the race where Jesus, as he ran, the Romans began to shoot arrows, Peter, wounded, keep running while Jesus is calling.

- Pedro, Pedro!

finally comes crawling dying and says:

- Dime Maestro ...!!!

- Watch Pedro, from here you see your home.

Toronto Public Cruising


pepito at age 9 to appear in court accused of raping a girl of 18 years. In full hearing, the judge asks the lawyer:

- What can be said for his client, Doctor?

The lawyer drops his pants to Pepito, grabs her pee and it shows the judge:

- Watch the tamaƱito q is, sir, how can they accuse to this child of such a crime? Look at it! Do you think with a little something so small can rape a woman?

And murmuring pepito's lawyer says:

- Advocate!, I did not follow that we lose the trial rubbing!