In defense of water as a human right and a common good commercial
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Sunday 3 This starts the Fifth cctubre version of Blue October campaign in Bolivia, a campaign to urge annually to celebrate the courage of the people in the recovery of the meaning of water as a common good, a fundamental human right and a resource for life. Just involving nearly one hundred organizations nationwide.
This campaign is named after the date on which a referendum in Uruguay (October 2004) to insert in its Constitution the principles of water as a human right, a common good and protecting commercial sanitation services to the power of transnational corporations. This was part of a chain of demonstrations and initiatives from the Cochabamba Water War in 2000 were spreading throughout the region: Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay ... and that have provided impetus to the development of principles and rules of governance for social water management. Today we also have the recently adopted resolution in the UN GA declaring the Human Right to Water and Sanitation.
Blue October in Bolivia, which began as a campaign in La Paz, expression now has five departments: Oruro, La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija.
This year the campaign aims to address three main themes:
1) The Human Right to Water and Sanitation and its recent resolution achieved at the initiative of Bolivia in the General Assembly of the United Nations and its implications
2) Water and climate change concerns and the need to coordinate the agendas of water in the context of the impacts of climate crisis
3) The Water and urban pollution and extractive industries.
Campaign special emphasis on events and educational activities to raise public awareness about care in the management collecting water everyday knowledge of women, indigenous peoples' ancestral lands, and give publicity to material co-produced with the Federation of Domestic Workers of Bolivia with tips on water conservation.
begin the campaign this Sunday October 3 with FAIR WATER Prado in the city of La Paz from 9 am, in which dozens of institutions and artists will be present, young, popular educators and where we support the painting of a mural with the Working Party Apacheta. " During the month we have around 40 activities organized by institutions including seminars, festivals, fairs, training courses and panel discussions that can be seen in www.octubreazulbolivia. and close the campaign with the opening of Mural "The World in Our Hands" , painted in the Peoples' Conference in April and donated to the Mayor's Tiquipaya.
invite everyone to participate and support the campaign Blue October. For further information we suggest you visit the page www.octubreazulbolivia. . Or contact our colleagues: Alexandra Flores (Head of Integration and Leadership Training Course) flores.alexandra1 @ , Ana Maria Marconi (Head of Cultural and Youth Area) ,
or Betzabe Valdiviezo (Gender Officer) .
Elizabeth Peredo
Solon Foundation
Campaign Blue October
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