Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rate Of Cell Respiration In Mammals


Monday, 13
9:30 9:45
Inauguración Conferencia : "Key Issues biclimático design of buildings."
Speaker: Jesús Antonio Tejedor Sánchez. ALIA chief in Valladolid.Autor study and director of Lynx Group Project ENVITE
11:45 Coffee break 12:15
Conference: "new awareness of living." Speaker: Workshop University of Valladolid solar

16:30 interpretive tour of natural resources in the environment of Aguilar de Campo

Tuesday 14
9:30 Conference: Architecture: location, climate and tradition
Speaker: Ignacio Vela Cidad. Furthermore Projects (AD +)
11:30 Coffee break 12:00
Experiences Panel:
"The envelope Urcomante of University of Valladolid, presented at - ---
-Wood House of Communard Revenga (CS Prize CYL)
-Rehabilitation Center Saseta Sociocultural (CS Prize Accesit CYL)
-Expansion City Council Villaquilambre
16:30 Visit to ROM and Romanesque route Aguilar de Campo and environment

Wednesday 15
9:30 forum-debate: What kind of opportunity is generating a new model of sustainable housing in rural areas?
Moderator: Juan Carlos Vielba, director Fundación Santa María la Real
11:00 Coffee break 11:30
Conference: Integrating alternative energy in sustainable architecture
Reporter: Rafael Ayuste Cupid
Head Department of Renewable Energy EREN, Regional Authority Energy
12:45 Workshop participants: space analysis of the issues and the exhibition of proposals by the participants in the course
Moderator: Fernando García García, coach of GDR Country Romanesque

16:30 Visit to the reservoir of Aguilar de Campo, dam and power plant

Thursday 16
Conference: Environmental assessment of buildings
Beatriz Pérez Castrillo. Responsible Area Sustainability Institute Construction of CYL (ICCL)
11:30 Coffee break 12:00
Panel proposals:
-Production Homes Project (RuraLab Country Romanesque)
-Tretrak (Enertres-Energy Studies)
-Nortesol (Renewable Energy) 16:30
Visit the museum of models of Herminio Revilla in Barruelo of Santullán


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