Friday, December 31, 2010

Lenovo 9215d37 Drivers

finished a very successful year 2010 for Notebooks Encinacorba. " As noted in the photo above, our blog and our cultural activities have been fulfilled, inexorably, without that this association has received a penny from any institution euro public or private. We are proudly independent and so we will continue. We expect a better new year for our town and the speedy recovery of our heritage to be effective in the coming year. 2011 is an election year and they will see if the current City Council has no right or its management.
2011 HAPPY

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Difference Between Original Jordans And Retros


From this house I want decear having a very happy holidays to all my followers, to the friend who visit me and let me also beautiful comments, the girlfriends of the web that have become part of my life in this way and that we share chats mesenger and we will taper gradually and there is a loop so cute and so rewarding, thanks girls for being so sweet and be present in the everyday life of this blog with a lot gladly share with you all, and that you see me teach a lot, all, all I want decearrrr very lucky and this year it will begin within this little full of light and prosperity and of course we continue to reap friends a big kiss to each one of you, we prontito ......

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Methodist Hospital In Manila


Hi girls, here I Went a little lost lol, I'm in a salt that is occupying me most of my little time off, I'm hooked on this embroidery I'm learning, to Although I have already disassembled several times, and this is my 3 rd time I try and it seems now like lol, well now I'm posting a pic of a doily I made in Pacht, found it on a blog and how I wanted to decorate my room table one afternoon I got it and I like how he also discovered that the sewing machine to me I padding felizzzz that I can not give anything by hand, and good stuff nuevasss happy to learn, step show photos , And visited their houses andare kisses to todassss

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Much Does Jon Cryer


Finally here is terninado just need to hang it, I loved it, I'm preparing next lol and I have on 1 panel so to work, right now I leave, I send a kiss enormeeeeeeeeee

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Why Do Dogs Smack There Lips


Hey girls, today I happened to show the gifts exchange Christmas I did in this case comes from Alicante narcissistic hand she was my partner in the inter Daiana, I'm happy for the gift that made me are a beautiful thank you very much todoooooo narcissistic charm me here are the pics, I leave right now I'm as mad Christmas missal ending lacks the last touch being cute jejeje ESAT barely climb the fotito hast done lueguito kisses
and these beautiful thimbles to my collection, one is from Alicante where she lives and the other is from their land salamanca

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Religious Quotes About Facebook

Blue October campaign concludes in Bolivia joining the voices of the world

(Fundacion Solon, November 4) .- The fifth version of the campaign in defense of water as a common good and human right was developed successfully during the month of October in Bolivia and with the participation of nearly a hundred organizations and youth groups in the departments of La Paz, Oruro, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and Tarija, who have united to fight for the protection of water as an essential element for life and as a fundamental human right, now faces enormous threats such as climate change climate and commodification.

reflections and actions in the campaign strengthened the proposals that have been built from the people referred to water as common good and a right to life, rejecting any form of privatization of basic rights such as access to water and sanitation, collecting what has been achieved with the UN Resolution on Human Right to Water and promoting reflection on the rights of Mother Earth. Was also present in the campaign demanding justice climate, the climate debt to the South, rejecting the false solutions to climate change geoengineering and demanding that the Agreement setting out the proposals of Peoples international negotiations towards the COP 16 to be held in Cancun later this month.

Blue October started the campaign with the Fair Water on the Paseo del Prado, in the city of La Paz, attended by about sixty institutions and organizations and civil society to remember the importance of preserving this vital element and awareness of the threats posed by a water crisis .

The "Women's Panel, Water and Climate Change: Prospects and Challenges" organized by AMUPEI, Sustainable Water, Red UMAV, CEMUJER-B and Solon Foundation brought together around 160 women from around the country, taking testimony from women in cities and women community members affected by the lack of access to water, as is the case Khapi by the melting of Illimani.

With the same commitment and participation social, educational fairs were held and panel discussions in communities Chaytawi, Caracollo, Huanuni in Oruro, in the cities of El Alto, La Paz, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and Tarija.

The Sustainable Water Seminar organized by Human Rights and impacts of climate change was a request to the UN activities in respect of these as an essential task of monitoring.

Campaign Blue October ended with a leadership training seminar "Climate change, water and new paradigms of civilization", organized by the Solon Foundation in order to reinforce the concepts of climate debt, climate justice, la crisis civilizatoria y el neoliberalismo, las negociaciones del clima en el marco de la ONU y las alternativas desde los pueblos para enfrentar el cambo climático y la crisis global.

En este evento contamos con la presencia de compañeros y compañeras que trabajan en estos temas, como Ricardo Navarro de Cesta Amigos de la Tierra - El Salvador, Alberto Villarreal de REDES Amigos de la Tierra - Uruguay, Camila Montecinos de GRAIN-Chile, Jim Shultz de Democracy Center de Cochabamba y Elizabeth Peredo de la Fundación Solón. Este Seminario de tres días tuvo una amplia asistencia de noventa dirigentes sociales de organizaciones campesinas y urbanas, juveniles, dirigentes del Pacto de Unidad a nivel nacional, como Bartolina Sisa, Intercultural Communities, CSUTCB, CIDOB, CONAMAQ as well as domestic workers organizations, groups and youth groups, and AOPEB CIOEC, among others.

Finally with a grand finale, on Saturday 30 October, was the inauguration of the mural "The World in our hands", painted by the group Apacheta in the framework of the World Conference on climate change and Peoples Rights of Mother Earth and was donated to the Municipality of Tiquipaya so that it becomes a symbol of the historical memory of this important event for the preservation of life on the planet.

This ceremony was attended by Municipal Mayor Tiquipaya, Saul Cross and local authorities, young people from the cities of Cochabamba and El Alto, who, through theater and music performances by hip hop, filled us with hope to continue in the struggle to defend water as a commons and rights Mother Earth to protect the planet and human rights.

Friday, October 29, 2010

English Patch For Desmume

See you soon, see you later!

tried several times again and return to the blog, but the truth is that I have to admit I lost the record this blog. And now when I find a story, or something that I do want to share through FBK or Twitter. New technologies simplistic won me:)

I also won my drink, Bethlehem, who was born in late September and I try to spend as much of my time, especially now that I'm enjoying my maternity leave it. I imagine that when you start working in December even more so my free time I will dedicate it .

So with a little pain, but betting on new things, finally write this post-bye. That will never be a goodbye to all the letters, but a up soon, see you later!

number 210 Since this post I have nothing to say

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Female Drs And Penises

water and land. Campaign Continues

That neither water nor our minds to stagnate.
About Blue October.

By: Velez G. Hildebrand October 22, 2010

When flowing waters stagnate mohana, the spirits of the waters, sad, those who expect to fall down without them, that are fired up not leaving. Water cycles are being brutally altered and whose future is flowing waters are brutally subdued. Environmental costs, materials and energy that involve actions to stop water flowing to alter hydrological cycles are great and bring fatal consequences in the territories: absurd dams that displace people, rotting floors that flood stories; bottled water that teach contempt for natural waters flooding waters have destroyed cities for their courses ancestral waters occupying the spaces prepared with dedication farmers destroy their dreams and illusions, ecosystems of great hydrological importance pierced and wounded by infrastructure that does not address the dynamics of nature aberrant mining waters destroy all they touch, turning misery territories and societies where they settle, interventions on the waters all are daughters of the irrational fragility of the economy and iniquitous socio-environmental relations of the capitalist world system.

overwhelmed emissions of greenhouse gases have infamously busy atmosphere on par with the capital, the capitalists and the companies in the Global North benefited the world plunge into consumerism and weariness, have resulted in the alteration of all including water and Arctic waters and Antarctic threatening catastrophic transformations of the cycles and the dynamics of the waters of the teacher and the heavens. Not understood that we are water, we flow, we are the universe, mankind and beings with whom we share our existence on this planet to what we should eat and drink and if the waters get sick, all of life sick.

waters are stagnating and that is why humans are stuck in a senseless and destructive rationality. When the flowing waters stagnate organic content drag rot, mineral content settle and funds are inhospitable, all beings who hoped that they bring food suffer from hunger and thirst, all beings, including mohana, having fun in their currents will be swallowed up by confusion and despair. Defender defend the waters of rationality is destructive and the capitalist world system is the epitome and in its motion "machine", homogenized landscape, culture disdains, demolishes the territories and reinforces the unfortunate accumulation of wealth in the hands of few. Defend the territories has become the heart of politics in the villages of South-Global. Not defended the water if they do not defend territories. That is the current sense of the defense of the territories.

is clear that there is a fight for territory, not only in terms physical occupation of space that is, but many complex ways. Territories as an object of conquest of the economic powers involved bureaucratic discourse and symbolically, is emptied of its inhabitants to occupy social relationships that produce territorializations specific historical forms of capital and concomitant emptying of the gifts they possess. Since multilateral instruments to bureaucratic, political and produce financial policies, business rules, projects and speeches that encourage the conception of nature as an inexhaustible reservoir of energy and matter in monetary terms, that would serve the purposes of development which are guided by the rationality of profit and accumulation. From there, liberalize investment rules for crossing the barriers of the meager sovereignty of states and governments to weaken and governance of local authorities and community. For the reforms to the provision of water and the alleged control of community water systems are examples in the Colombian case leave no doubt. These ways to assume the setup and configuration des territories pacing of uses, intensity of use, effects on the properties and physiographic characteristics, physical, chemical specific spaces and landscapes they are.

Many of our ancestral cultures established relations of respect to Mother Earth, Pacha Mama in the Andean cultures and Tonatzin among the Maya peoples. These relationships are alive, are not matters of the museum, are latent in the depths of the hearts of our ancestral peoples and certainly the current struggles are to be for that is the wise historical power that comes from the roots to build sustainable societies, which is the primary task that we have offered. From the perspective of love for Mother Earth, Tonatzin from these ideas of brotherhood, from these relations subsidiaries, are overcome the ideas of normal economic heritage offers and we invite you to take the perspective of "Fratrimonio" which would mean the preservation and cultivation of fraternal relations, affiliates relations with the world we do to live. These new relationships we have jointly affiliated to the common defense, what does not belong to anyone and everyone, from the sovereignty of the peoples, and not in transit to cosmological societies to re-enchant the world and re-sacred. Defend the nation states as expressions of sovereignty to usurp the powers to entrench democracy and necrophiliac projections in relations "machine" of death and destruction, in equipment social, economic and military that make a landscape and a new planetary geology miserable, destroying life is our challenge and we strive for transitional and frugal habits and dignity is our mother earth. Inhabiting

is certainly a way or a drive that makes the territory. The investment for the exploitation and development of an area, arguably territorialization of capital to steal what the territory is, to empty materially and symbolically. The investment process-development-build is in this sense, a powerful machine for emptying and deterritorialization. Needs and forms of reproduction that are installed forking, or trifurcated the historical development of the territories, there is no doubt, have to abolish the town's history or deregionalised emptying. The territorialization of capital leads to the death of the territory. Emptying rate is productivity, slowing the action of the management action to "restore" is the new business capital necrophiliac, reproduced by subjecting life and dies.

legal constructions, statutory and case law with which many friends have so much sympathy, are usually ways, not allowing it to be otherwise structurally to ensure the appropriation of nature, the "heritage" expressions dominant powers in establishing the institutional circuits and in the temporalities not immediate, show that they are functional to the accumulation of capital and their motivations. These legal instruments cautiously expressed in the form of rights that do not would be imposed by blood and fire: the interests and motivations of the ruling classes, sectors with bureaucratic-economic powers, the transnational capitalist rationality: the nomos in the service of the financial considerations. Sometimes rights to infringe rights. Substantive rights without democracy are simple procedures to ensure the inequalities, inequities, and rights are constituted in transcendental forms justice masking material forms of injustice.
While playing the rationality and capital are guaranteed by the destruction-reconstruction, always at the expense of free energy available and the increasingly scarce materials, billions of people do supra-economic activities that are not in monetary and which ensure their lives, the health of ecosystems and the landscapes that shape themselves. In both deterritorializations occur in the legal framework and as a result of the concentration distribution processes, rights, services, capital, knowledge, technology. For example, if the guidelines European Union legislation say that Europe should reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases, countries and companies build the business and market mechanisms, also legal and law, that this is done without local costs and no loss of competitiveness in international markets, locating energy projects, agro-energy, forestry and industry beyond its borders, in countries colonized South-Global. These techno-economic facilities are colonial at the expense of stability and resilience of ecosystems, the destruction of ancient cultural values \u200b\u200band adaptive transformation of unbalanced and specific pathological human communities (Concerning specific cases not mentioned here). Such ventures are overlapping demands for water, nutrients, human labor to those that would be required for true sustainability between these societies and their material environment.

The nation-state that defines the territory, about internal boundaries and borders thus becomes, in the hands of the elite, a tool for their own deterritorialization. His self-emptying occurs in the context of international relations subjugated by large corporate capital, which states make simple tools to legitimize emptying. Officials and corporate and institutional technocrats braid their interests and ambitions to bring actions today have disastrous consequences for living conditions, so there is no doubt qualify as a crisis of civilization.

The world of law is limited to a radical democracy, substantive. A right under the violation of other rights, without economic or ecological distribution, without recognition of the conditions and potential differences in ethnicity, race, gender, age, etc. is an illusion. The universal is capitalism, banishment, non-rights. Is not it therefore urgent to establish a new law?
We understand then that if we are talking about the right to water, we are talking of the waters are geology, which are vital cycles, which are multipurpose and eternal, which is tradition, which are healing, that we, who are inspired, which are ecosystems that are the middle of the fishes, which are holding the balance climate, etc. and perhaps more than a right would be speaking the territory and the whole of our existence. Perhaps this stems the new law, the right to a new and sustainable ways of living and complex territorialized. I'm not saying do not talk about water as a right, but talk of the waters of the state of affairs and conditions, new water landscapes, territories and water rituals, spiritual and flowing and the room , Which is different from standing-water left to see humans regain their courses when, where flood cities, brother washes the mountains, let us see, again, that not everything we are allowed. The water is there on the cutting plane that produce and reterritorializations destrrritorializaciones movements, which have always existed, that is the motion of the complex relationship between culture and nature is nature is culture, but in disastrous connotations capitalism . Live outside of these relationships, with arrogance, to live beyond the possibilities of resilience of nature-society relations is consumerism, is the weariness and violence that rationality capitalist incentives. Living like this is only possible by the denial of other beings, present and absent, and this is only possible in turn by using force, violence and deceit weapons. The answers to the questions of who imposes who use forms of water? Who to whom the technology, distribution, pricing, trading rules? How is this possible?, Are answers that can not avoid reference to power, domination and the usurpation of knowledge and technologies, control of large destructive military, and tax disincentives. Struggles for

waters can not be other struggles to defend their territories against emptying. And it is not and can not be that that defense was actually achieved from a bureaucratic curubito. She is only possible in the construction of new fabrics in the territories worldwide in the construction of new subjectivities which are not subject of envy, hatred, selfishness, and appeal to love, filium, love and respect for Pacha to Tonatzin. New and renewed human communities that reinforce their identity and sense transformer in adopting frugal lifestyles and supportive. It is in the "village" in the construction of forces life before death "machines" of the capital, is in the construction of an attitude care of others and not their subjugation and servitude, is tolerance, acceptance of the amendment and not the arrogance of power or the illusion of power which can resist and transform shame into pride and historical awareness who we are and can be a just and sustainable world.

The waters are installed in our eutopia as reterritorializations as a struggle against authoritarian utopias, such as building material and spiritual libertarian forces on complex cultural and economic revolutions small-large, but they are made aware, throughout life, because as someone said, the revolution is not only what is done but the enthusiasm with which done. The waters are then moving towards the construction of Thought and colonized South Territory.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Funy Volleyball Slogans

Blue October: A mobilization for the common good

We are in the third week of October Blue mobilization for life. The fifth version of campaign in defense of water as a common good and human right, is developed with considerable success and participation in various regions of Bolivia.

Close to a hundred organizations and sectors have joined in this role for the protection of this natural wealth essential for the life of the beings that inhabit the planet.

So far, there have been several activities, including major can include the following:

Water Fair

on Sunday 3 of the current month of the campaign began in October Blue with a cultural fair on the promenade of El Prado, in the city of La Paz. It was one of the more participatory and popular fairs. About sixty institutions and organizations, state and civil society, attended this meeting to remind people about the importance of preserving this vital element and made aware of the threats posed by a possible water crisis.

The crowd that gathered at the Sunday market in El Prado, was delighted with the various art forms and music of hip hop youth of El Alto and painted a mural in defense of water by the group Apacheta , plus cultural performances and entertainment for children, from which explained the importance of water for life and actions that can be done to preserve and care.

International Workshop on Climate Change and Human Rights

the 4th and 5th of October, held a workshop Titled "Reflections to establish a case for the defense of human rights against violations resulting from global warming" , organized by Sustainable Water . The same panelists were as Paulina Acevedo Menanteau (Observatorio Ciudadano-Chile), Juan Miguel Picolotti (Colegio de Abogados - Cordova, Argentina), Enrique Schwartz (Associate Researcher Centre on Transnational Corporations OTS - Argentina), Nancy Yanez (Co-director-Observatorio Ciudadano Chile), who, from different perspectives, raised their views regarding violation of human rights caused by climate change.

Morning Water

Days 6,7 and 8 October, the municipal theater August 6 hosted over three hundred students from different cycles of educational units that had the opportunity to watch videos short and medium term produced on the theme of water and climate change. This exhibition was co-sponsored by the Administrative Office of Culture Municipal Government of La Paz and Fundacion Solon.

Panel Women, Water and Climate Change

About 160 women across the country gathered on October 13 in the panel Women, Water and Climate Change: Prospects and Challenges. For the event, the director of the Solon Solon Foundation presented a paper entitled "Two converging struggles to defend life," while the representative of AMUPEI, Sonia Davila, spoke on "Women in water management: Rustling women, echoed in the water. "

In the second part of the event, presented the testimony of three community members about the impacts of climate change on life and Kaphi production systems, population close to the snowy Illimani, which gradually loses its glaciers. Lucia Quispe, was in charge of narrating the experiences of communities living in the vicinity of Illimani.

Similarly, Ninfa and Fernanda Huacani Shock Apaza shared their experiences related to the productive theme, water and climate change. Showed some evidence of the impact of the climate crisis on their communities. The organization of this panel were Red UMAV, Amupei, Water and Sustainable CEMUJER-B.

The event culminated with a cultural evening was enlivened by musicians Alvaro Flores, Leonardo Rivas and Sheila. Previously, and in the opening ceremony, also had the duo's musical participation Entre Dos Aguas.

Blue October inside the country

past two years, Blue October campaign is extended to other departments, in which several organizations working in the care and environmental protection and natural resources, also organized various activities, among which we can mention the following:

  • In the city of Oruro, on October 11 was carried on the seminar on water conservation. This event took place in the town of Huanuni, a mining town who, like others, through problems of water pollution caused by mining and quarrying in the area.
  • October 15 was the first of two learning workshops "Caring for Water." The next workshop is scheduled for Friday 22 October.
  • 17, this month also took out the "Second Regional Forum on the use and management of water in Caracollo" in the municipality of the same name, hosted CETHA-Socamani.
  • Cochabamba is one of the departments that joined the campaign Blue October, which began on Oct. 1 with a "ritual to Pachamama and the First Friday Community Cultural Q'woa. On Saturday October 9 workshop was held on course management and waste recycling and composting workshop and garden irrigation drip of water.
  • In the town of Vallegrande (Santa Cruz) Saturday, October 9 was carried out in Defense of Water Fair, organized by ESA.

share with you some illustrations of these events.


ORURO : 23 and October 24

IV Congress Youth Department Environmentalists

Place. Shrine of the Tunnel


COCHABAMBA : October 22

socio-cultural Conference by water and Mother Earth

Hours. 10:00 to 22:00.

Place: People's

September 14

Organizers: Red Tinku.

SANTA CRUZ : October 24

Fair on Bioregionalism

Place: Urban Park.

Organizers: Bridging Cultures

TARIJA : October 23


Organizers: Coordinator Social Organizations

Friday, October 1, 2010

Reptile Rate Of Respiration At Low Temperatures

Water Call to Mobilization for life in Bolivia


In defense of water as a human right and a common good commercial

Dear friend s @ s:

Sunday 3 This starts the Fifth cctubre version of Blue October campaign in Bolivia, a campaign to urge annually to celebrate the courage of the people in the recovery of the meaning of water as a common good, a fundamental human right and a resource for life. Just involving nearly one hundred organizations nationwide.

This campaign is named after the date on which a referendum in Uruguay (October 2004) to insert in its Constitution the principles of water as a human right, a common good and protecting commercial sanitation services to the power of transnational corporations. This was part of a chain of demonstrations and initiatives from the Cochabamba Water War in 2000 were spreading throughout the region: Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay ... and that have provided impetus to the development of principles and rules of governance for social water management. Today we also have the recently adopted resolution in the UN GA declaring the Human Right to Water and Sanitation.

Blue October in Bolivia, which began as a campaign in La Paz, expression now has five departments: Oruro, La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija.

This year the campaign aims to address three main themes:

1) The Human Right to Water and Sanitation and its recent resolution achieved at the initiative of Bolivia in the General Assembly of the United Nations and its implications
2) Water and climate change concerns and the need to coordinate the agendas of water in the context of the impacts of climate crisis
3) The Water and urban pollution and extractive industries.

Campaign special emphasis on events and educational activities to raise public awareness about care in the management collecting water everyday knowledge of women, indigenous peoples' ancestral lands, and give publicity to material co-produced with the Federation of Domestic Workers of Bolivia with tips on water conservation.

begin the campaign this Sunday October 3 with FAIR WATER Prado in the city of La Paz from 9 am, in which dozens of institutions and artists will be present, young, popular educators and where we support the painting of a mural with the Working Party Apacheta. " During the month we have around 40 activities organized by institutions including seminars, festivals, fairs, training courses and panel discussions that can be seen in www.octubreazulbolivia. and close the campaign with the opening of Mural "The World in Our Hands" , painted in the Peoples' Conference in April and donated to the Mayor's Tiquipaya.

invite everyone to participate and support the campaign Blue October. For further information we suggest you visit the page www.octubreazulbolivia. . Or contact our colleagues: Alexandra Flores (Head of Integration and Leadership Training Course) flores.alexandra1 @ , Ana Maria Marconi (Head of Cultural and Youth Area) ,
or Betzabe Valdiviezo (Gender Officer) .


Elizabeth Peredo

Solon Foundation


Campaign Blue October

Sidekick Amonium Sulfate

starts the campaign for water "Blue October" Blue October

This starts Sunday, October 3 in Bolivia the fifth version of the campaign Blue October 2010, an effort that brings together more than seventy institutions and civil society organizations, groups, networks and social media to articulate national awareness and advocacy efforts in defense of water as a fundamental human right.

The campaign slogan this year is called "Water, a common good and human right: a mobilization for life" , according to in July This year, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) adopted a landmark resolution recognizing the right to water and sanitation as a basic human right to the full enjoyment of the right to life and all human rights.

Blue October begins with the Water Fair, a day Sunday information to be held on the promenade of El Prado, which the various institutions and organizations that are part of the campaign present the different facets including this year's campaign, but particularly information on public water management, pollution, access to potable water and sewerage the role of women in water management and climate change impact on major water sources.

L to social mobilization for water this year has extended to the departments of La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Oruro, Tarija, in addition to the ATO and Vallegrande, which will be held in parallel panel discussions and debate, information fairs, street demonstrations, video presentations, dance, theater and other events more geared towards the Bolivian population, in order to generate actions on the rational use of water as a common good must be preserved for future generations and life on the planet.

Blue October is inspired by the Bolivian people's social struggles against water privatization and the recovery process of our strategic resources in the hands of multinationals, from which it works towards a socio-cultural view of water involving society as actors in the definition of public policies regarding water resources in general.

Since 2004, after the Uruguayan people through a constitutional referendum to succeed in getting in Constitution that access to water is a fundamental human right and it does not commodified , each year around the world are engaged in different activities to defend the right of people to water, considering that access to this resource is closely related to development, population growth and poverty.

Experts agree that "consumerist practices" of the capitalist model promoted the irrational use of water, and consequently the city people know the warning of many scientists that the year 2025 two thirds of the world population will have little fresh water.

Against this background the Solon Foundation, invites the various organizations involved in the issue, to join the campaign Blue October 2010 own initiatives or coordinated, in order to generate greater impact nationally and internationally.

How Much Does Lighterlife



1 OCTOBER RALLY Arbor Day Location: Av Juan Pablo II and March 6 El Alto. Organizers: Green Bus.


HABITAT 6, 7, 8 OCTOBER MORNINGS WATER Held Film August 6 Organizers: Solon Foundation

OCTOBER 10 LOW-CARBON FESTIVAL Held Bicentennial Plaza. Organizers: 350 Bolivia & Response Climate



3 OCTOBER FAIR WATER Held Paseo del Prado



OCTOBER 13 PANEL: WOMEN, WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE Held Hotel Torino Organizers: Solon Foundation, AMUPEI, Red UMAV, Sustainable Water and CEMUJER -B

18 TO 22 OCTOBER DOCUMENTARY SCREENING ON WATER Location: Casa Museo "Walter Solon Romero" Organizers: Foundation Solon

OCTOBER 30 EDUCATIONAL WORK IN THE UNIT "AVELINO Sinani" Location: El Alto. Organizers: Green Bus

NOVEMBER 4 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION FAIR Venue: Central Plaza Achacachi. Hrs.: 8:30 to 13:00. Organizers : ITEI


4 OCTOBER PRESS CONFERENCE Organizers: Blue October - Oruro

OCTOBER 15 AND 22 LEARNING WORKSHOPS SAVE WATER "Location: Street Caro and Disbursing Organizers: GROW Credit with Rural Education

OCTOBER 22 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS NIGHT "FOR LIFE, SAVE WATER Held Union Park. Hrs. 19:00 to 21:00 Organizers : Centre for Sustainable Development


OCTOBER 26 PEACEFUL MARCH THE "DEFENSE OF WATER AND MOTHER EARTH" Location: Union Park. Organizers : Blue October - Oruro


EDUCATIONAL FAIR "SAVE WATER Held Huanuni CAEP. Hrs. 9:00 to 12:00 ENVIRONMENT SEMINAR Location: Library CAEP / Huanuni. Hrs: 14:00 to 18:00 . Organizers: ITEI


Held Chaytawi. Organized District Educational "El Choro"

OCTOBER 11 SEMINAR ON WATER ELCUIDADO Held Huanuni Township. Hrs: 14:30 to 17:30 . Organizers: CAEP

OCTOBER 17 II REGIONAL FORUM ON THE USE AND WATER MANAGEMENT IN Caracollo Location: Municipality Caracollo. Organizers : CETHA - Socamani


25 TO 30 OCTOBER WATER SAVING CAMPAIGN Organization: Pastoral Social Caritas

OCTOBER 28 FORUM "BASIN PROBLEMS AND POOP URU URU" Location: Race Anthropology. Organizers: CIPS

OCTOBER 29 EVENT "LOCAL INITIATIVES OF USE AND WATER MANAGEMENT IN RIVER " Organizers: Water Directorate of the Interior ROUNDTABLE "USE AND MANAGEMENT WATER "Location: University Auditorium Organizers: Blue October Oruro

31 OCTOBER AWARENESS DOOR TO DOOR" FOR LIFE CARE WATER Place: Neighborhood Board Mining Districts, District 3 Organizers: Center for Sustainable Development

NOVEMBER 19 FAIR ON ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Venue: Plaza Central Huanuni. Organizers: ITEI



OCTOBER 22 SOCIO-CULTURAL CONFERENCE FOR THE MOTHER EARTH AND WATER Hours. 10:00 to 22:00. Location: Town Square September 14

Organizers: Red Tinku.




OCTOBER 9 FAIR IN DEFENSE OF WATER Held Vallegrande. Organizers : ESA

OCTOBER 24 FAIR ON BioRegional Held Urban Park. Organizers : Bridging Cultures


OCTOBER 2 EDUCATIONAL FAIR Organizer: Coordinator of Social Organizations

OCTOBER 23 PANEL: ENVIRONMENT, POLLUTION AND WATER Organizers: Coordinator of Social Organizations

Thursday, September 16, 2010

P90x Online Streaming


Thursday 16
9:30 Lecture: Environmental assessment of buildings
Beatriz Pérez Castrillo. Responsible Area Sustainability Institute Construction of CYL (ICCL)
11:30 Coffee break 12:00 Panel
-Production Homes Project (RuraLab Country Romanesque)
-Tretak (Enertres-Energy Studies)
-Nortesol (Renewable Energy)
16:30 Visit to museum Herminio demos of Revilla in
Santullán Barruelo of


Presenting Beatrice can download it from the downloads area of \u200b\u200bthis blog.

Panel. 1. PRODUCTION HOUSES PROJECT. Country AIDR Romanesque.

Panel. 2. TRETAK. Enertres. Energy studies.

Panel. 3. NORTESOL. Renewable energy.