Sunday, November 28, 2010

How Much Does Jon Cryer


Finally here is terninado just need to hang it, I loved it, I'm preparing next lol and I have on 1 panel so to work, right now I leave, I send a kiss enormeeeeeeeeee

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Why Do Dogs Smack There Lips


Hey girls, today I happened to show the gifts exchange Christmas I did in this case comes from Alicante narcissistic hand she was my partner in the inter Daiana, I'm happy for the gift that made me are a beautiful thank you very much todoooooo narcissistic charm me here are the pics, I leave right now I'm as mad Christmas missal ending lacks the last touch being cute jejeje ESAT barely climb the fotito hast done lueguito kisses
and these beautiful thimbles to my collection, one is from Alicante where she lives and the other is from their land salamanca

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Religious Quotes About Facebook

Blue October campaign concludes in Bolivia joining the voices of the world

(Fundacion Solon, November 4) .- The fifth version of the campaign in defense of water as a common good and human right was developed successfully during the month of October in Bolivia and with the participation of nearly a hundred organizations and youth groups in the departments of La Paz, Oruro, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and Tarija, who have united to fight for the protection of water as an essential element for life and as a fundamental human right, now faces enormous threats such as climate change climate and commodification.

reflections and actions in the campaign strengthened the proposals that have been built from the people referred to water as common good and a right to life, rejecting any form of privatization of basic rights such as access to water and sanitation, collecting what has been achieved with the UN Resolution on Human Right to Water and promoting reflection on the rights of Mother Earth. Was also present in the campaign demanding justice climate, the climate debt to the South, rejecting the false solutions to climate change geoengineering and demanding that the Agreement setting out the proposals of Peoples international negotiations towards the COP 16 to be held in Cancun later this month.

Blue October started the campaign with the Fair Water on the Paseo del Prado, in the city of La Paz, attended by about sixty institutions and organizations and civil society to remember the importance of preserving this vital element and awareness of the threats posed by a water crisis .

The "Women's Panel, Water and Climate Change: Prospects and Challenges" organized by AMUPEI, Sustainable Water, Red UMAV, CEMUJER-B and Solon Foundation brought together around 160 women from around the country, taking testimony from women in cities and women community members affected by the lack of access to water, as is the case Khapi by the melting of Illimani.

With the same commitment and participation social, educational fairs were held and panel discussions in communities Chaytawi, Caracollo, Huanuni in Oruro, in the cities of El Alto, La Paz, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and Tarija.

The Sustainable Water Seminar organized by Human Rights and impacts of climate change was a request to the UN activities in respect of these as an essential task of monitoring.

Campaign Blue October ended with a leadership training seminar "Climate change, water and new paradigms of civilization", organized by the Solon Foundation in order to reinforce the concepts of climate debt, climate justice, la crisis civilizatoria y el neoliberalismo, las negociaciones del clima en el marco de la ONU y las alternativas desde los pueblos para enfrentar el cambo climático y la crisis global.

En este evento contamos con la presencia de compañeros y compañeras que trabajan en estos temas, como Ricardo Navarro de Cesta Amigos de la Tierra - El Salvador, Alberto Villarreal de REDES Amigos de la Tierra - Uruguay, Camila Montecinos de GRAIN-Chile, Jim Shultz de Democracy Center de Cochabamba y Elizabeth Peredo de la Fundación Solón. Este Seminario de tres días tuvo una amplia asistencia de noventa dirigentes sociales de organizaciones campesinas y urbanas, juveniles, dirigentes del Pacto de Unidad a nivel nacional, como Bartolina Sisa, Intercultural Communities, CSUTCB, CIDOB, CONAMAQ as well as domestic workers organizations, groups and youth groups, and AOPEB CIOEC, among others.

Finally with a grand finale, on Saturday 30 October, was the inauguration of the mural "The World in our hands", painted by the group Apacheta in the framework of the World Conference on climate change and Peoples Rights of Mother Earth and was donated to the Municipality of Tiquipaya so that it becomes a symbol of the historical memory of this important event for the preservation of life on the planet.

This ceremony was attended by Municipal Mayor Tiquipaya, Saul Cross and local authorities, young people from the cities of Cochabamba and El Alto, who, through theater and music performances by hip hop, filled us with hope to continue in the struggle to defend water as a commons and rights Mother Earth to protect the planet and human rights.