Thursday, December 24, 2009

Where To Buy Mahabhringaraj Hair Oil


Through Fashion Bubbles and after Feel Brand New , I met the new product and DKNY Sales strategy: 12 Ways to wear a cozy. While this pledge itself and know it, and for some little time that we find in stores or see on the street I found it interesting the video

in which they teach you 12 ways to use it. And I still liked the idea of \u200b\u200bsharing.
You too you have a cozy?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Laundromats Upper East Side New York

Hermés - Foulards Blowing in the Shop Window

on the sale of Jimmy Choo collection for H & M in which literally wondered " are imagining things or Jimmy Choo collection for H & M, with all the hype they have given has gone unnoticed? "
Since I am not and Madrid, or in any other country in Europe and one of the things I miss is having an H & M near (claim an H & M online!) I could not live the day closely. I could not bring my own experience, so I ended up with a great curiosity about what had happened. Were queues at H & M? Do you sell everything? How fast selling the collection? And most importantly "like? The impressions can be found are very varied, from people who think that quality is not good (do not know whether to expect otherwise), or that the prices were high for H & M (but it was Jimmy Choo tb .. .) to people who took several things or it was early and just did not find nothing in the shops. It is difficult to keep a final print, because everyone likes.

Photo: World

most incredible thing I found today in an article in El Mundo that
entitled "The profitable business of reselling Jimmy Choo"
. And speaking of people who after buying pieces of the collection just 4 hours later and had a sale on the Internet at least twice the price of H & M. Happened before the Cavalli collection. The great thing is that this time, despite wish to impose controls that store retailing and was happening in front of H & M with girls who came and found nothing to buy. At that hour of the day
And finally, it seems, the real deal they did not H & M or Jimmy Choo, but who more than doubled resold (or are reselling) the acclaimed pieces awaited collection. The question that remains in the air is ... What lesson can remove the brands, both H & M as Jimmy Choo, in all this? Interesting no?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Congratulations On Your Wedding Wording

Covadonga O'Shea's blog

few days ago was published the news that Gucci's 90th anniversary will inaurgurar Gucci Museum in Florence next year. Be sure to keep track and keep it very present for inclusion in a future itinerary.

Therefore, Christie's will be a great ally in this stage as that in develop a presence ONLINE whole process of assessing the vintage pieces to provide security for collectors and clients of the brand.
Thus it also seeks to combat the sale difficult to control aftermarket do you? through the network, as is the portal of eBay, for example. Through the special section will be in the Christie's website buyers will have the seal of assurance that the item they are buying is an original Gucci. As a strategy is not bad. It gives an even more sophisticated brand in the care of their image.
The article here New York Times full:

Christie's to Value Vintage Gucci