POSTER COMPETITION ON CLIMATE CHANGE "... We can not shut up and defy adversity
hands clasped
in a world that eats itself ... "
Walter Solon Romero 1997
"CHANGE @ TEN: Thoughts from the art climate change"
In order to strengthen reflection on the type of relationship that modern society has established with our Mother Earth and the damage this has on the balance of life in part of the campaign Blue October 2009. the Ministry of Culture, the Administrative Office of Culture and the Solon Foundation, convened the Climate Change Poster Contest: CHANGE @ ART, reflections from art climate change
According to many scientific investigations, the main cause of climate change is the increase in CO2 emissions, which in recent years has increased industrial activities, the overuse of automobiles, indiscriminate felling of trees, the abuse of natural resources have generated an imbalance in nature that is manifested in what is known as global warming which brings extreme events such as drought, floods, hurricanes, etc.
We show these changes in everyday life: it's hotter years ago, including exposure the sun can be harmful, the rainy season are no longer regular and sometimes it rains too much in some places of our country suffer from permanent flooding while in other places are suffering from water shortages. In La Paz, the main evidence is the disappearance of our snow-capped mountains are melting, and some have almost disappeared as the Chacaltaya.
These changes affect more people in less developed countries and their poorest people in rural areas because these changes mean a radical change in the way we relate to nature as their habits are subject to the agricultural cycles and therefore the behavior of the climate may to generate a crisis in food production and also in the mechanism of subsistence farming families. In contrast, developed countries who are responsible for the pollution and predation, are the most prepared to face these extreme events.
The theme of the competition revolves around the issue of climate change, causes, questioning the consumer model, its impact on different cultures and lifestyles, responsibility of developed countries, their impact on access to water and food, presentation of sustainable knowledge, care and respect in the world to life. Participation
professionals, design students and enthusiasts who like the design of an individual or group, without any limitation or exclusion.
A single participant can present proposals and designs submitted must not have been used prior to competition or by the participant or by third parties.
The presentation of the work must meet the following requirements:
The poster must be submitted in digital format
Size: 40 x 60
cm Format: JPG or TIFF
Color Mode: CMYK
Resolution: 300 dpi
Maximum weight: 10 meg
in a sealed envelope must have the CD, a photocopy of identity and personal data sheet such as full name (or names in the case of several participants), age, place of birth, telephone number, address, e-mail, etc., with the label "poster contest on climate change: change @ TEN, Monday to Friday during office hours until the day October 15, 2009 at the offices of the Solon Foundation, Avenida Ecuador N º 2519 almost esq. Belisario Salinas Sopocachi area of \u200b\u200bthe city of La Paz.
is reported Some papers received can be used, even prior to the opinion of the jury, in order to strengthen the campaign Blue October. In this case we can incorporate the necessary legends themselves.
4th. The Jury:
The jury will be appointed by the organizers of the contest and will be composed of persons related to digital art and knowledgeable professionals in the subject.
The jury's decision is final and awards to the winners in a public ceremony will be held after the fair water, October 18, which also installed exposure of the papers presented to the audience may also qualify.
5th. AWARDS:
will be a selection of 10 designs, which will be printed on posters and billboards to strengthen the campaign Blue October and the various areas of mobilization for climate justice. The top three will be rewarded with useful technical team to design. The ten papers selected by the jury will receive a set of publications of the organizers. All participants will be rewarded with public recognition expressed by a certificate.
The organizers reserve the right to reproduce and publish all the works presented in various publications Contest nonprofit Seine, mentioning the author or authors and in this case they will receive samples of printed material
More information:
• Solon Foundation, Ecuador Av N º 2519 Tel: 2417057 to 2417953