Tuesday, October 28, 2008
How To Program Pink Heart Remote

The campaign of "Blue October" was flooded with water in El Prado
Sunday Fair Water Ride On Prado, the campaign organized by Blue October, was steeped in optimism and conviction for water rights, people of all ages exhibited T-shirts, hats, bags, buttons, and a series of objects and campaign materials that made reference to water as a fundamentalism right to life. People took part, spontaneously, in this great social movement in defense of water, thanks to the exhibition and dissemination of information and educational materials that were aware of the current state of this source of life and the importance of their care and use for future generations.
(Solon Foundation Press Release. Monday, 27 October). With a large party were closed on Sunday 26 in the country, the activities under the "Blue October", which this year has been called a mobilization for life and against the commodification of water, to conclude in 2008 with the good news that the rights to this vital element constitutionalized are finally in the referendum scheduled for Jan. 25.
During the month ends and the city \u200b\u200bof La Paz, received dozens of activists, government representatives, members of various social organizations and civil society, among others, from various regions of the country to present their research, platforms, issues and submit their proposals on how we address water issues and how the country could face the consequences of unsustainable management of water that is now threatened by climate change, the rise of the mining and agribusiness, among other factors that could affect the near future shortages of water in some regions.
Blue October, began as a local action three years ago, became a great national movement, as expressed by Elizabeth Perez, director of the Solon Foundation inaugurated the activities of the tent at the Fair Debates water Sunday on the promenade of El Prado, and that other departments such as Cochabamba 2008 , Oruro and Potosi (Tupiza), have joined the campaign through various activities associated with, for example, models of government and the social control in water management, or reflection sessions on water issues, which are common in all regions of the country.
in this space for reflection and debate, the representatives of institutions and social organizations to organize, together so many other "Blue October campaign, as the Coordinator in Defense of River Basin Desaguadero, Lagos Uru Uru and Poopó (CORIDUP) Regional Federation of Peasant Workers of the Altiplano Sud (FRUTCAS), the Presidential Representative Assembly Constituent (REPAC), who, from different perspectives, presented their concerns, worries and proposals on water resources that has our country and how to tackle projects that benefit indigenous communities and society as a whole. Similarly, opened a space for discussion of the proposed new Constitution on the water.
The Water Fair was tempered by the presence artistic duo ever supportive of Black and White, who like troubadours have been incorporated into this great social movement for water, reflecting from his compositions slogans of human consciousness and defense of life. They were joined by the famous Sicuris of Italaque, from the province Camacho, who also accompanied with music and dance, this day devoted to talk and reflect on the importance of water for life.
The children also had their place in the play area enabled them to Wawastinkuy characterized by a gathering of music, dance, visual arts, exhibition materials, educational games and children's literature.
The struggle of our people to defend the water of the profit of capital, has generated a series of processes and actions that its protagonists hope eventually culminate with the adoption of the new constitution, which incorporates a wide scenario of possibilities for this vital element is not subject to any type of concessions or privatizations, as our waters are also protected from free trade.
communities and indigenous organizations and farmers can be satisfied that the draft Constitution recognizes and respects the customs on the right of the management and the sustainable management of water, and included a paragraph in which is included to society, together with the state as regulator of water resources.
As a political action campaign, the blue in October this year emphasized the agreements reached by the Constituent Assembly on the topic of water, whose final text subject to ratification in the referendum scheduled for January 2009, recognizes the water not only as a human right, but above all as a right to life and, consequently, the State is responsible for the protection of water resources both for corporate management, for everyone to have access to clean water and to avoid the consequences of any form of pollution.
The agenda of the movement of water is converge, with a view to an early-Constitutionalisation the articulation of new challenges that go beyond the consolidation of a common global agenda, and as pointed out by social movements themselves, move from proposition to action, the models management and social control to identify new scenarios to strengthen governance models of water. Panel on agrofuels
The intense activity programmed in the Blue October, with the participation of various institutions and social organizations in the country, culminating this week with the panel presentation "Biofuels, opportunities and risks in Bolivia", event organized between Solon and CIPCA Foundation to be held on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 in the morning hours and late Auditorium facilities.
This event will close with a flourish thematic panels, which this year dealt with interesting and important current issues such as: "Water in the draft new Constitution of the State", "Water pollution from extractive industries (mining) "" Climate change and its effects on water, "" International waters "," Women in Blue October, "among others that developed inside the country.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Moccasins From Target Washing
With dozens of activities for the protection of water and against its commercialization and strong support for the achievements of water in the new Constitution, the organizations of the campaign started a week
debates Tuesday morning Oct. 7 in the city of La Paz with a press conference and the participation of social organizations, activists and institutions in various parts of the country, officially launched the campaign Blue October, which now totaling more than fifty civil society organizations and the state to amplify the various struggles of the peoples of the continent to defend the Water profits and capital out of the neoliberal management that seeks grab this invaluable resource for life.
Blue October is a political action campaign that draws thousands of fighters and fighters in the world by recalling one of the precedents of major legislative change made, when the Uruguay through a referendum constitutionalised water as a common good commodified . So, picking the recent struggle of peoples, including the Bolivian people in the region had begun to gain positions from those values \u200b\u200bthat social movements postulated in the South American continent and the world through their struggles against privatization .
Today, 7 years after the Water War in Cochabamba and 4 years of the Referendum for the Water in Uruguay are people in this building democratic progress slowly, sometimes painful, sometimes critical, sometimes festive to strengthen this meaning wove collective peoples throughout our history: WATER IS LIFE, IS A HUMAN RIGHT, IS RIGHT AND GOOD FOR OUR LIFE ON EARTH AND IN THE WORLD. And today, more than ever, the validity of these assumptions is evident in the political situation of our country: the adoption of the proposed Bolivian Constitution, still waiting to be supported by all of society through a referendum, progress in the new constituent of Ecuador, the proposals of the organizations of the Americas and the world for a social water management: processes that account for very important changes implemented by the action of the people.
These are the issues that make our campaign in this version of Blue October in Bolivia. One of the important issues this year will be the dissemination and analysis of consensus and agreements reached in the proposed Constitution of the State in Bolivia that transcends the concept of "human right", recognizes water as a "right to Life expressly prohibiting privatization. We will to do with constituents, activists and authorities, and even international guests. The thematic panels that start this week also discussed other issues such as public models of social management and control of water, the impact of biofuels on water, water pollution from mining, management of international waters and one axes will also be the impact of climate change on water rights and their relation to the challenge of changing a model of unsustainable and inequitable development.
take this opportunity to invite you to seminars that will take place this week in the city of La Paz:
- Wednesday, October 15: Women and Water. A tribute to the Bolivian Women's Day (from 16:30)
- Thursday, 16 October: Climate Change and Water - International Water Management (Parallel events throughout the day from 9:00)
- Friday 17 October: Water pollution by mining
The right to water in the Constituent Assembly (side events to 14:00) 14:30
Reading of the Declaration and support Caravan Popular Mobilization for the Referendum for Constitutional
The panels are made in the halls of the Convention Center Auditorium (C. Fernando Guachalla No. 421. Sopocachi) from 9:00
To see the schedule at Blue October National visit Greetings solidarity http://www.octubreazulbolivia.blogspot.com
Elizabeth Peredo
Solon Foundation
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Best Tension For Welded Wire Fence
As part of the campaign for" Blue October 2008 ", from Thursday 2nd to Friday 31 October, Solon Foundation, in coordination with the Municipal Government La Paz and other governmental and nongovernmental institutions, has scheduled various activities, including panel discussions, debates, conferences, exhibitions, video screenings, and cultural events - educational alluding to the defense of water as a human right and encouraging rational use this vital resource sustainable.
Activities in La Paz Tuesday, 7 October. In a press conference will be held OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF THE CAMPAIGN "Blue October 2008", in celebration of the Inter-American Water Day is celebrated every first Saturday of October. It will take place in the halls of the Palacio Chico (Street Potosi, corner Ayacucho) in exhibition of materials suggestive of the campaign (at 10:30). On occasion, we will have the presentation of the group "Black and White" which, from its music, will begin a month of mobilization.
relation to scheduled activities, there will be screenings of videos that allude to the subject. Every Tuesday, from 21:00 am at the Cultural Café (Calle Campos N º 296 esq. Av August 6) Videos will be screened on the theme of water. Every Thursday from 15:30 pm, will be screened videos related to water. Location: Solon Foundation (Avenida Ecuador N º 2519). Every Friday, from 19:00, screened videos on water. Location: Library Harmony.
13 to October 17 from 9:30 to 12:00, will develop the "Animation Workshop" by the Comic Strip Centre. Location: Ed Simon I. Patiño. PB. Guayaquil Ed.).
On 13, 14 and 15 October will be held on "weaving course with recycled material. Hours: 15:30 to 18:00. Place: The Cultural Creative (Avenida Ecuador N º 2651).
Wednesday, October 15: At 16:30 Panel will be held on "Women in Blue October." Presents "Dragadanza." Venue: Auditorium (Fernando Guachalla 421) Organised by: Fundación Solon, CECI and AMUPEI.
Thursday 16 and Friday 18 October: Will the following panel discussions: "Constituent Assembly / Climate Change" and "Pollution / International Waters." Venue: Auditorium (Calle Fernando Guachalla No. 421). All day.
Friday 24 October at 15:30 hours, will run a workshop on "Knowledge for originating and urban adaptations water sustainability. " Venue: Auditorium (Guachalla Fernando Street No. 421).
Sunday October 26 is scheduled WATER FAIR in the Paseo de Prado in the city of La Paz. Begin at 9:30 am and runs until early afternoon, in this event will feature various cultural and artistic activities, and exposure to water-related materials: music, theater, dance, plus the installation recreational spaces for children.
Monday 27 and Tuesday October 28: The Panel will develop the "business model and social control of water."
Friday 31 October: At 18:30 be held finale of "Blue October 2008."
activities in other departments
Sunday 19 October: It is scheduled workshop / meeting "Analysis of social control in the management of water in Cochabamba, organized by CEDIB. Location: Cochabamba.
October 2 at 10:30 am, at a press conference will be held the opening ceremony of the Campaign.
Monday 20 and Tuesday 21, will complete the following panels: "The water pollution in Oruro" (9:00), and "Climate change and water" (14:30); "Community management of water" (9:00) and "The commodification of water" (14:30).
Sunday 26: Water Fair held in Caracollo, from 10:00 to 14:00), while on Wednesday, 29 it held in the city of Oruro (from 10:00 to 16:00) .
Swollen Finger Near Cuticle
Solon Foundation launches global campaign for the water called "Blue October"
(Solon Foundation Press Release. Tuesday, 30 September). As a prelude to what will be the great social movement which takes place in Bolivia and in many countries around the world during the month of October to raise awareness and politicians about the importance of this resource for living species on the planet, Solon Foundation is scheduled for this Thursday's screening of the video "The blood of Mother Earth," an enlightening documentary about the water problem in the highlands.
This documentary has caused a positive impact at international level and has been an extraordinary tool to inform the public about the danger posed by the export of groundwater in mountainous communities in Bolivia, Peru and Chile, who suffer desertification processes.
Solon Foundation, promoter and organizer of the "Blue October" in Bolivia since 2006, has been scheduled for This year a series of cultural, educational and informative, as well as panel discussions, debates, conferences, exhibitions and video projections, among other activities relating to the defense of water as a human right and encouraging their wise use and sustainable.
The official launch of the campaign for water will be in next Tuesday Oct. 7 at a press conference to be held in the premises of the Palace Chico, where he also will present the slogan of the campaign materials produced on the subject such as posters, information leaflets, reports, publications, visual resources and schedule of activities developed during the October, not only in La Paz, but in other cities.
Solon Foundation wants to remember that water is a vital resource for human beings and nature, indispensable to life and the maintenance of ecological systems around the world, and therefore a strategic value and long-awaited appeal by multinational companies that sought to control this resource and incorporate it into the logic of commodification, to get him handsome profits.
all know that water is essential for life, but still 1,000 million people worldwide still lack access to clean water. In Bolivia only 63 percent of its population is supplied potable water through pipe network, the rest is done by means of wells, shallow wells, rivers, streams, lakes, curichis, tanks or standpipes. The United States leads the list of countries that consume more water per capita, about 500 liters / day, followed by Europe with 250-300 liters / day, contrary to what happens for example in Kenya where people can only consume 5 liters / day / person.
The concept of "living well", the views of the water and its management is based on the ability to recover to a respectful and friendly to nature and society, where the water should be a factor in relationships, harmony , and integration.
The month of October is a time of enormous significance to organizations and individuals who defend water as a human right and an indispensable resource for life, precisely because a similar date in 2004 the Uruguayan people got through In a referendum, constitutionalize water access as a human right and it does not commodified.
In line with this momentous fact, environmental organizations and water advocates also mobilized in the United States to denounce the multinational Nestle for misuse of water sources in different parts of the world and the consequent damage to the environment and local communities. These demonstrations were directed against the headquarters of the North American subsidiary of Swiss-old company, located in the town of Greenwich, in the northeastern U.S. state of Connecticut to demand "respect the right of local communities to exercise democratic control in the use of water resources. "
From this event, political leaders and activists from various regions of the world, including Solon Foundation, promote and organize a series of activities designed to generate a current favorable political leaders and governments to take the world's emerging awareness of water problem in the world, promoting policies to protect this resource by encouraging rational use, and preventing water scarcity will affect us much.
More than 8 million people die annually in the world for not having water to drink and eight thousand children die from eating only dirty water Bolivia what other events have to occur to take action?
Against this background our institution, in coordination with over 50 governmental and nongovernmental organizations, has set out to do a critique of the development model being primarily responsible for the environmental crisis. To do so, has scheduled the following activities:
thematic panels: "Women in Blue October" workshop "Knowledge originating and adaptations to urban sustainability Water, "" business model and social control of water "," Constituent Assembly / Climate Change "and" Pollution / International Waters. "And" weaving course with recycled material.
Similarly, the panel will develop on Biofuels, animation workshops and video screenings on the theme of water and the blue in October. But undoubtedly, the Water Fair, scheduled for Sunday October 26 will be the main event where all institutions and organizations in the country, will present several studies and proposals on how we should deal with water issues.