Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Christopher Lowell Snl Episode


s Comrades: the activities planned for the 2008 campaign

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Does Eating Bee's Wax Harm You

Preparation Activities 2008 campaign

So far we have had dosreuiniones organization and have agreed as campaign themes this year:

  • Climate change and water Biofuels and Water
  • right to water for life and the Constituent Assembly. Vision
  • social / indigenous water care
  • Water Pollution and Water Women International Waters

You have formed different committees that are working and coordinating actions Campaign:

a. Climate Change and Water (Solon Foundation, and Oxfam FENATRAHOB)
b. Emrpres model and social control in the management of water (Fejuve La Paz and El Alto, Trab Conf. Light, Power, Water and Telec., And Fundacion Solon)
c. Biofuels and water (Solon Foundation, CIPCA CIOEC Bolivia) d.
Social vision / indigenous water and Constituent Assembly (Fundación Solon)
e. Women and Water (Solon Foundation AMUPEI)
f. Water pollution from mining and quarrying (CEPA, CODERIP, CORIDUP)
g. Cultural Activities (Solon Foundation, Administrative Office of Cultures)
h. International waters (Sustainable Water)
i. Blue October in other departments: Cochabamba (CEDIB), Oruro (Strain and CETHA Socamani), Potosí (Aderescapys) and Santa Cruz.

Also we extend the Agenda with Blue October and concerted activities, in these days we will publish a schedule with all activities of the campaign this year. We ask you to let us know if there are other initiatives for inclusion.

For more information call telephone 2417057 - 70633110 Cel

Monday, September 1, 2008

How Many Trollbeads Go On A Bracelet


More than 50 institutions were mobilized for a whole month think about global warming, pollution, Wood River dams and biofuels

Campaign "Blue October"
The conservation of water sources
and capitalism will not

leaders of trade unions, peasant and indigenous organizations, networks of activists, police, academics, artists, representatives of the Mayor of La Paz and officials of ministries and deputy ministers of the executive branch closed on Sunday 28 October, the campaign "Blue October 2007" in defense of water at the fair of El Prado.

Blue October is a campaign by more than 50 institutions with three goals: 1. remind people the importance of preserving water as a community asset, 2. their awareness of the threats that loom over this natural resource essential for life and 3. fight against corporate control of water.

Activities between 9 and

October 30 October 11, rural women, indigenous people and professionals from around the country gathered at the panel "Women in Defense of Water." 10, 11 and October 12 in theaters August 6th Municipal videos on water. 25 and October 26 panels were held of public debate, wide and pluralistic. On October 28 the conclusions were socialized in the "Water Fair", using all possible media, including hip hop, theater, creative cultural spaces for children, bulletin boards, among other activities.

The main conclusions of

Blue October this year was at the center of the reflections the capitalist model, the main cause of the global environmental crisis. Environmental degradation is the most serious contemporary problem for humanity, according to several governments, scientific communities and social movements worldwide.

Impellers Blue October discussed and suggested action to address some of the most significant threats to water sources in the country such as global warming, biofuels, the "mega-dam" Wood River, pollution and the constant attempts to commodification of the resource .

development model and its rules of free trade have catastrophic consequences for freshwater and groundwater. Are melting ice caps and glaciers, which are water supplies for future generations while dramatically reducing the flow of water for human consumption due to industrial pollution. The

predatory and developmental model promotes the construction of huge dams that stop the free flow of rivers with disastrous consequences for people and biodiversity. Promotes biofuel monocultures that require large volumes of water to meet growing energy demand in the developed world. Some

society organizations consider that to assert the rights of nature over the rights of capital is not an ideology, but common sense. To ensure the survival of all living species there is no other way to radically change the way we live and think in a capitalist society, ie replace the hyper individualistic consumerist liberalism for a more sustainable cooperative communalism and austere.

human right to water: One of the most important social strategies to reverse the trend towards trade in water management is to ensure that United Nations included in the list of human rights to water access, providing a human right can not " traded. "

should be visible the contradictory relationship between human rights and the model of capitalist development and its pattern of consumption, while claiming in view the use of natural resources is the Andean world. To the Andean people, the water is much more than a resource: Water is a living being creative and transforming, the base of the reciprocity and complementarity, and a universal right and the community.

Biofuels: The increased production of biofuels will raise the price of food. The vast monocultures grown in third world countries by the corporate estates to cover the waste of the first world will be counterproductive for the environment and water sources. Before producing fuels with food, society has to reflect what it means by development. Development is not multiply accumulate wealth and consumption, copy the Western model of development is the planet to death.

The government has to define as a state policy that biofuels are not part of National Development Plan, and must state that food sovereignty is more important to export energy.

and water pollution: One of the worst enemies of the populations affected by pollution of water sources is the Mining Code in the government of Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada, is still in force. Urge repeal this Code regulate the industrial use of groundwater and fossil water protection in the new State Constitution.

The human being should be the primary custodian of the reserves of the Earth's fresh water (2.5% of total), but, paradoxically, is directly responsible for pollution. The main causing water pollution are the urban centers, mining and oil industry, and agriculture.

The giant dams on the Madeira River Jirau and San Antonio will be built in Brazil inundate large areas of cultivation in Bolivia, multiply the rate of tropical diseases and cause the extinction of several species of fish. Despite the risks, certain sectors in the government promoted the construction of two dams (Cachuela Hope and Bala) in Spain. It asks the government to define a unique position and to identify the promoters of unsustainable development.

authorities are asked to assume a position firmer against dams in Brazil and take the initiative either to internationalize the dispute or initiating a battle in international courts. The government does not forget that wood is an international river shared sovereignty.

Participants Blue October 2007

unions, peasants, indigenous
National Association of Community Systems Irrigation and Water Supply and Sanitation (ANARESCAPYS), the Regional Federation of Peasant Workers of the Altiplano Sud (FRUTCAS ), Federation of Peasant Women of the Altiplano Sud (FSUMCAS), United Trade Union Confederation of Workers Campesinos de Bolivia (CSUTCB), National Federation of Peasant Women - Indigenous - Originating in Bolivia Bartolina Sisa (FNMCIOB-BS), Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia (CIDOB), National Council of Qullasuyo Ayllus and Markas (CONAMAQ), Trade Union Confederation Settlers of Bolivia (CSCB), Council of Defense of the Rio Pilcomayo (CODERIP), National Federation of Domestic Workers of Bolivia (FENATRAHOB), Association of Organizations of Ecological Producers of Bolivia (AOPEB) Cooperative Plan 3000, National Water Coordinator and the Bolivian Movement for Sovereignty and Integration of the Peoples Solidarity - Against NAFTA and the FTAA. Institutions

Public Ministry of Water, Water Utility, the Vice Ministry of Cultures, the Administrative Office of Culture Municipal Government of La Paz, the Department of Environmental Quality GMLP. Nongovernmental

CEADL Cry of the Excluded, CIPCA, Solon Foundation, Sustainable Water, CEPA - Red UMAV, CIOEC, SAP, AMUPEI, CECI Unitierra, Gregoria Apaza, Radio Pachamama, REMTE, CEDIB, Copacabana Broadcasters and the Association Indigenous radio stations and Aymara of La Paz. Cultural Institutions

COMPA, Teatro Trono, Comic Club, Dragadanza, Almatroste, Ukamauyke, Harmony Library, the Youth House, Café Youth and Warmiphunas seed, besides known as bowling paceños Etno, Bocaisapo, Ex Sabrosito, the Ojo de Agua, Hunting and Apthapi Duende.